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Warning ⚠️: Smut

Y/n's POV

We walked to the dining area while Abuela alma still calling to the rest of the Madrigals.

After a few moments everyone is already sitting on their sit respectively. Mirabel on my left side while Isa on the right.

Mariano and Dolores in front of me. Abuela stood up gaining our attention, she looked at the two couple in front of me smiling and then glance at me and Isa.

I know that she's kinda against to our relationship since we're both girls and meaning we can't have a children together.

But she just can't say it because Mariano is my cousin and we both have a connection with the Madrigals. I felt Isa's squeezing my hand.

Abuela alma cleared her throat before saying "As I was saying this dinner is important because we have an announcement, am I right?" She looked at the two couple infront.

The two nodded "Mariano and Dolores are getting engage soon and after that they will get married" Abuela said.

"Are you sure about this Mariano? Isn't a bit too fast?" I looked at him seriously.

"Yes and I really love Dolores so why would I not marry her?" She leaned closer to the female.

"That's true" Abuela said chuckling.

"Then if we also decided to get married now, would you be okay with it?" I asked to Abuela.

Isa looked at me kinda shocked at what I said but then smiled gently, resting her head on my shoulder, our hands holding together under the table.

"Uh, yes, you both can if you really love each other" she hesitated at first before saying it.

"Great!" I said

"Mariano if you two are already married, how many do you two want?" Abuela looked at them, they both looked at each other.

"We decided to get five babies" they both said in unison seemingly happy, I looked at them in disbelief. That's needed a lot of work.

"Well then, you both can have anything you want" she brought her wine of glass up saying "salud!"

"¡Salud!" We all said also raising our glass.

After that we all started eating chatting here and there, I looked at Isa who is also eating, I tucked some strands of her hair back to her ear.

She looked at me smiling, kissing my cheeks suddenly, I looked around to see who seen that but thankfully everyone is busy talking.

Not that I mind tho it's just to sudden but I like it. I also kiss her cheeks before eating again.

Isabela's POV

As we are eating I usually move near y/n and talk about somethings, I can also feel the glare Abuela throwing to the both of us.

Y/n laughed at my side so I looked at her, she's talking to Mirabel about something I can't hear so I squeeze her hand.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked her, my eyebrows are raising.

"It's nothing, she's just telling me something funny" she said and after that y/n faced my sister again.

I roll my eyes, looking down at my plate and eating again.

"Oh really?" I heard her said laughing, they continued to laughed while I glared at the both of then especially Mirabel.

They both stop what they're doing and both of them looked at my side, still glaring at them.

Y/n's POV

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