Chapter 15: Bad Memories Pt. 2

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⚠️ TW! Sexual Assault ⚠️


 I woke up on the couch in Zak's arms. I heard one of the babies crying and went to check on them. Of course it was Jaxen crying. I brought him back into the living room and saw my mom sitting on the couch. I jump.

 "Holy shit, you scared me."

 "You're brother went to the park with a new friend he made so it's just us three."

 "Okay." I hand her Jaxen since Cowen starts crying and I go to get him. I pick him up and he continues crying so I go change him. He needed to be changed, this kid has some nasty shit.

 I go back into the living room and Zak has Jaxen and my mom is gone.

 "Your mom went to take a nap." He says.

 "Okay, we should go for a walk."

 "A walk?" He raises an eyebrow.

 "Yeah, it'll be fun."

 I hand Cowen over to Zak and go upstairs to tell my mom that we're going for a walk with the twins and we'll be back in about two hours.

 I get out two strollers and Zak puts each of them into one. I grab a diaper bag and stuff some diapers and food into the bag along with toys.

 I grab my phone and wallet in case I want to buy a souvenir.

 I'm pushing Cowen and Zak is pushing Jaxen, obviously.

 We decide to walk to the park.

 "Since Rachael is your half-sister do you have the same mom or dad?"

 "We have the same mom, that's why my dad didn't come."

 "Is your dad nice?"

 "Uhhh, I guess so. Why?"

 "Just curious. Hey, do you remember freshman year homecoming?"

 "I didn't go to homecoming freshman year."

 "What, why?"

 "I was sick."

 "Oh. Then never mind. Can we stop to buy some pizza?"

 "You don't have to ask just go buy some."

 "But I- never mind. I'll just go grab some and we can eat outside."

 "I don't want any."

 "I'm buying a whole pie anyways maybe we can have some later."


 We sit at a table outside. Zak is eating some pizza while I'm feeding Cowen some baby puffs. Jaxen is still laying in his stroller.

 "You sure you don't want any?"

 "Yeah I'm good."

 A girl and a guy who look around our age come up to see the twins.

 "Oh my god, they're so cute! How old are they?" The girl asks.

 "They'll be a year old in January."

 "I could never imagine pushing out one kid let alone two. How'd you do it?"

 "They're not my kids. They're my sisters."

 "Oh that makes sense. Are they girls? Boys?"

 "Boys. This is Cowen and Jaxen is in the stroller."

 "You guys look so cute together. The four of you. I'm sure you'll make great parents when you're older."

 "Thank you, but we're not dating."

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