Chapter 33: Christmas

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Today is Christmas.

All of us are in the living room getting ready to open gifts. 

We have Me, Danni, the twins, Rachael, Aaron, Danni's parents, Lucas, Olivia, and Amina. Caleb is here too.

Danni said I could invite him if I wanted to so I did. Olivia has to leave in the afternoon and Callum will be here later on in the day.

I got him a gift but it was super last minute.

Danni and I decided we wouldn't open each other's gifts until later tonight when we were alone.

Except Danni got me two things instead of one.

"It's half of your present." She says. "You have to open it now."

"Okay," I open the box and a small golden retriever is inside. I take the puppy out of the box and everyone gasps. "You got me a puppy."

"I did. He's a boy and he's already fixed."

"Oh my gosh!" Rachael says. "Let me hold him." She grabs him out of my arms. "He is such a cutie. What are you gonna name him?"

"I don't know. What do you want to name him, Danni?"

"He's your dog, you pick." She shrugs.

"Does anyone have any suggestions?"

"I like Rocky," Lucas says.

"Max," Amina says.

"How about Arlo?" Olivia says.

"Arlo? I like it. Thanks, Liv."

"Seems like he likes it too. How about I get your dog and you get my kids? We'll do a little trade-off." Rachael says.

"No. I think I'll keep him."

"Of course, you will."


We're sitting in Danni's bed. Danni has Arlo in her lap while he sleeps.

"Can I open my gift first?" I ask.

"Go for it. But before you do, I have a video to show you."

"A video?"

"Mhm. Look at the TV."

I watch as she turns the TV on and Carlos Garcia pops up.

"Hey Zak, it's me, Carlos. Danni here was having trouble deciding what to get you for Christmas so she asked for my help. Before you open the gift, Danni just wanted me to tell you that you're very special to her and she's very lucky she gets to call you hers. You can open your gift now. Merry Christmas Zak and you too Danni. I'm Carlos Garcia and I approve this message."

I open the box and see a picture of me and Carlos, which he signed. There's also a football that he signed in the box too.

I'm stunned. I just stare at the box with my mouth dropped.

"Do you like it?" Danni asks.

"Do I like it? Danni, I love it." I give her a kiss and then a hug.

"I'm glad. My turn now."

"My gift is absolute shit compared to yours."

"I'm sure that's not true."

"Oh but it is. Here." I hand her the box.

She opens it eagerly and sees the hoodie on top.

"Aww, Zak. This is so cute. Thank you." She continues searching through the box. "A comfy?"

"Caleb's idea."

"Figures." She gets to the tickets and freezes. "Broadway tickets?" I nod. "Which show?"


"When?" Her smile is so big.

"January twenty-ninth."

"Oh my god! Thank you! I love it."

"For that whole day, we get to go to the city and walk around and watch the show."

She kisses me.

"Your gift wins." She says.

"No, I think yours does."

"You definitely spent more. I got that football for free."

"The dog?"

"He was a little over one-hundred."

"Yeah, I spent more. It's worth it, though. Seeing you happy."

She lays flat on her stomach on my chest.


"Hm?" I play with her hair while she lies on my stomach.

"Do you know where you're gonna go for college?"

"I'm not too sure. I haven't really thought about it. I wanna see what schools will offer me a scholarship. I was thinking of the University of Alabama but we'll see. We're only juniors."

"...Alabama is so far from Michigan though..."

"Danni, if you're worried about our relationship when we go to college don't be. We can do a long-distance relationship. I trust you and hopefully, you trust me."

"That's the thing, I don't. I really want to but I just don't." He sighs.

"Danni, you have nothing to worry about. I'd never cheat on you. You just have to learn to trust me."

"I'm trying. I just don't want someone to hurt me the way he did..."

"I'd never hurt you like that. Ever. Okay?"

She nods, slowly.


I've always wanted to see Wicked on Broadway

I did see King Kong once though. It was pretty good.

769 words.

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