Chapter 39: I Believe You

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The first day and it already seems like this year is going to be shitty.

He's here.

Like, at this school, here.

I feel like my walls are closing in.

My sophomore year was the worst.

When he still went here.

When I had to see his face every day.

I can't do that again.

I hope I don't have to see him at all.

Why couldn't he just have graduated last year?

He had to be so stupid to get held back.

I'm okay.

I can do this.

No, I can't.

I want to leave.

I'm at lunch right now and hopefully, Zak shows up soon.

Otherwise, I'm going to have a panic attack.

"Hey." I look up and see Zak.

"Oh thank god you're here."

"I'm here." He kisses me and sits down next to me. "Caleb's joining us."

"That's fine. Amina will be here. She's getting food."

"Okay. I'm gonna go get some food too. Be right back."

"You can't leave me here Zak. Wait till Amina gets back first."

"Okay. How's your day so far?"

"He's not in any of my classes so far."

"I knew he wouldn't be but that's not what I'm asking."

"Oh umm, it's been fine I guess. Other than freaking out every time a new class period starts. I don't want to see him again Zak."

"I'll make sure you don't have to."

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too."

"You guys are gross." That comment comes from Amina. "Just us three then, yeah?"

"No Caleb's coming too," Zak says.

She nods. "Got it."

"Gonna be honest, I thought you'd be a lot happier," I tell her.

"Happier? Why would I be happier?" Weird reaction.

"Yeah. I was one hundred percent sure you'd have said something like 'oh thank god I don't have to be a third wheel.'"

"Oh uh yeah I don't really care if I'm gonna be honest."

"Okay..." Why is she acting so weird?

"Do either Lucas or Liv have this lunch?"

"No. Unfortunately, I don't get to see Liv the entire day and fortunately I don't have to see my brother. So it's a win-lose."

"What up, Peeps?" Caleb says sitting down.

"Peeps?" I ask.

"Short for people." He shrugs.

I just nod.

"I'm gonna go get food. I'll be right back." Zak says kissing my cheek.

Once he's gone Amina starts asking questions.

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