Chapter 28: Broadway Tickets?!

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 "Looks like it's just you and me, kiddo." He just laughs and claps his hands.

 Lucas is still at school. Danni's parents are still at work and Aaron is flying in next week.

 "What do you think I should get Danni, huh? I already got her tickets to see Wicked on Broadway but I feel like I should get more."

 He just looks at me.

 "Yeah, I'm not too sure either."

 "I was thinking a promise ring but that feels too early. We've only been together for a a few days."

Incoming Facetime from Caleb

 "Hey, what's up?"

 "What're you doing right now?"

 "Chilling with the baby. Say hi Jaxen."

 "Who's baby is that?"

 "He's Danni's nephew."

 "You're with Danni?"

 "I'm at her house but she's not here. I'm living here for this month."

 "Okay good because I know you're struggling for a Christmas gift for her so here's my idea. I texted it to you."

 I open his messages and see a large blanket/hoodie. "A comfy?"

 "She'll love it."

 "But it's not unique or special. I'm pretty sure she got me a dog."

 "How do you know that?"

 "She told me."

 "She could be lying."

 "Yeah and it'd be even something better."

 "You don't know that just get her what you think is good."

 "I was thinking of getting her a cheer hoodie or something. Y'know we've been together for four days. November twenty-ninth is when we got together. So when Christmas comes we'd only have been together for a little less than a month. This is crazy. The cheer hoodie and Broadway tickets should be fine."

 "Broadway tickets? You bought her tickets to see a musical?"


 "That's a great gift for your first Christmas together."

 "You think she'll like it?"

 "Well does she like theatre?"

 "I think so. She went to see a Broadway show for a field trip a couple years ago. She said she wanted to go see another one."

 "Then she'll love it. Get the hoodie though too and the comfy."

 "Sure. I'm gonna go change this kid's diaper now because I can feel his shit on my leg through the diaper."

 "You do that, later."

 I change his diaper and go back to looking for gifts. I ended up getting her the hoodie, comfy, and the tickets. Just for extreme measures. I sent the gifts to my house and I'll wrap them there at some point.

 Now I have to shop for the twins, Caleb, Aaron, and Rachael.

 I ended up getting Rachael a customized mug that says 'Zak is my kid's favorite' with a heart.

 I got Caleb a bb gun because he's obsessed with going to the shooting range.

 I got Aaron a weight loss kit.

 No I'm just kidding, I got him some gift cards to some restaurants.

 Everybody just picks on him because he's easy to mess with.

 I got the twins some blocks and toys.

 I figured I should get Lucas something so I got him three tickets to see a baseball game with his friends.

 I also texted my mom to see if she wanted me to get her anything or if they were even coming back for Christmas but she didn't answer.

 I texted my dad too only to find out that he blocked my phone number.

 It's whatever though, I don't need them.

 "I'm home!" Amina says as she enters the door.

 "You don't live here!" I shout to her from the kitchen.

 "Neither do you." She says walking in and sticking out her tongue.

 "For the whole month I do."

 "Where is everyone?"

 "Danni, Rachael, and Cowen went Christmas shopping. Lucas, your aunt and uncle aren't home yet. And Aaron won't be here until next week."

 "So Rachael left you here by yourself with her child?"


 "There's gotta be a camera around here somewhere. John Quiñones, are you here?"

 "Who the fuck is John Quinon."

 "It's Quiñones, idiot. And he's the host for the show What Would You Do?"

 "I don't know what that is."

 "Whatever, just give me the baby."

 "Okay but just to warn you he might start crying." I hand her Jaxen.

 "He's not crying."

 "Turn him around to face you."

 She does and he starts crying.

 "Oh for fuck's sake. Of course you're his favorite." I just shrug and she hands him back. "What're you doin'?"

 "Christmas shopping."

 "You get me anything?"


 "Can you get me something?"



 "You called me an idiot the first time we met."

 "Touché. What'd you get Danni?"

 "I don't trust you to not tell her."

 "I won't tell her I promise. I know what she's gonna get you."

 "No, you don't."

 "Yes, I do. She's gonna get you a dog." She slaps her hand over her mouth. "I shouldn't have said that."

 "This is why I don't trust you not to tell her. She told me she was gonna get me a dog on our first date. It's not really a surprise."

 Lucas walks in the door with his headphones in and comes to the kitchen.

 "Hey Lucas, how was school?"

 He just give a thumbs up, grabs a water out of the fridge and heads upstairs.

 "I got you a Christmas gift!" I shout. "Can you get me one?"

 He doesn't respond.

 "Lucas normally doesn't get anyone anything. He'll probably get a gift for some girl he has a crush on and that's it."

 "He has a crush on someone?"

 "Oh I don't know. That's what he did last year and then he cried because she rejected him and still took the gift. He locked himself in his room for the entire break and didn't come out until he had to go back to school. Danni had to bring food up to his room so he'd eat."

 "Aww dang that sucks."

 "Well, it was funny to me."

 "Of course it was funny to you." I shake my head.


I recently just got a comfy and it is the best thing ever.

I love it and I wear it all the time.

1015 words.

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