Chapter 1

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Juliane's appearance:

She had black hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin. Her hair is long. She has huge almond eyes and long lashes, and a buttoned nose. She's 170 cm.

Her aesthetic:


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The fall breeze was cold, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the view the trees' colourful leaves made. Birds were in a huge group, flying to a warmer place. My friend, Alex, was walking home with me, but then he reached his place and that was when we parted ways. I wore my headphones and walked home, while putting my playlist on shuffle, willing to listen to anything that pops up.

Fall is my favorite season for various reasons. the mesmerising tree colours, Halloween, and the cozy clothes they sell during that season.

That afternoon was so interesting. I was so happy like I was on top of the world. I got to ask Jacob out! If you're wondering, he's been my crush for a while. The best thing about it is that he said yes! Anyways, I'm Juliane, a 17 years old senior. My dad once disappeared out of the blue back when I was 12, leaving a huge debt behind him which my mom is forced to pay.

Finally, as I reached home, I saw a strange fancy car parked in front of our garage. I stared at it in an awe, but then the realisation hit me. What was this fancy car doing in our garage? I got worried and rushed to get inside but a scream stopped me in my tracks. That scream belonged to my mom.

"I said i don't know where he is!! He left us alone and ran away! I've been forced to pay you all of these years for the sake of keeping my daughter safe, but all you ever did was being greedy you fucking bastard!" The man then punched her, which sent a shiver down my spine..

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" A bald man with tattoos on his face and head, with piercings and a dead stare yelled at my mom. I was terrified of what these men were capable of .

"If you ever speak like that to me, I'll make sure that your daughter disappears just like her father." The mop behind me dropped on the floor. I was so scared, and without thinking, I ran to the basement.

I could hear the the way the guy's fists collided with my mom's face and body, and it shook me to the core. The beating stopped, and there were sounds of others.
I loosened up for a bit and looked around. It was my dad's study room. While shaking, I tried calling 911.


The signal was so bad down there, and on top of that, It was dark as pitch, so I switched on the light from my phone and desperately waited for the signal to come to be able to make the call. While scanning the room with my eyes, I saw a huge box inside there. Out of curiosity, I opened it since it was the first time I've noticed it. Inside it, it had a rectangular shaped object, as if a city was carved on a rectangular stone. It weirdly had some holes in it which made up the shape of something like a constellation, and with every star, there's a dim.

There was another small box inside it. I opened it and found colorful gems (like the ones in the picture above). I couldn't help but admire how beautiful they were. I tried placing the gems but nothing happened. Then, i tried moving my hand on the stone, trying to find maybe a hidden button or something. To my luck, the mountain bended backwards. There was a button. I clicked it but still, nothing happened.

A new idea clicked into my mind. I opened the tiny window, which was really tiny but unnoticed. The good thing about it is that there weren't any of the scary men around. I then felt something wet falling on my head. It was the rain. Suddenly, the stones started moving around and a black shadow came out of the plate and pulled me in. I screamed but no one seemed to hear me.

I was then thrown in a place that looked like space. It was dark and was surrounded by very small lights. There were stairs and I was standing onto a sandy ground, so I climbed the stairs then blacked out.

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