Chapter 6

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We met at Valeria's house. It had lots of green vines on the walls. When we walked into the apartment, there was a small rocky fountain at the side. The place looked super cozy. There were lights hanged on the ceiling that looked like fairy lights and a tree at the corner of the room. Irene's house is more minimal than Valeria's. Valeria's looked like you're walking through her mind. There were also lots of paintings on the walls of the living room, a couch at the end of the room and sone statues.

Valeria had a cake and some snacks on the table, but the most surprising thing was that there was no alcohol. "Watsup bitch!!" Valeria said and tightly hugged Irene. "Hi" Irene hugged her back. She then pulled away. " it's great that you joined us! The party wouldn't have been fun without you!" Irene thanked her and she smiled at me. "Hi Juliane! It's lovely seeing you here!" Someone then opened the door before I got to finish.

Sylvia and Ayden came in, and she hugged Valeria and so did the redhead. They stayed like that for a while. "Thank you so much for this party!" Valeria looked at her and smiled."You're welcome. After all, it's good to see you smiling. I'd love to see it more often." Irene's expression changed, with a mix of feelings in her eyes.

Was Valeria flirting? Why? She is literally a social butterfly and Sylvia is just a very quiet person. How can those two get along?? Sylvia's eyes were much softer while she's with Valeria though.

"Hey there." It was kyler. He checked me out. "Hi" I said nervously. He looked at me in my eyes. There was a mix of happiness, hurt, and sadness. I then broke the eye contact, remembering that I literally ducked his brother. Rikki is so sweet and is much better than kyler. I mean, why do I even like him? Kyler is just a guy with

Rikki then walked in and hugged me. "Hey" he said. I smiled and kissed him. We then pulled away and Valeria was smirking. I didn't dare to look at kyler, but didn't want to so that I can forget about my small crush on him. Irene already went to talk to some of the people there. Camille then showed up and Ayden literally ran up to her. "So this guy does actually love people" I said. Rikki chuckled. "Surprisingly yes. He's only like that to Camille though, like I mentioned earlier, and respectful to Sylvia." Ayden then looked at Valeria. She was talking to Sylvia near them.

"Valeria, you look like you've lost weight. What happened?" He asked rudely. I didn't like him. Something was off about him. "It was nice seeing you too" she said sarcastically. Kyler jumped on Ayden, and he hit his head. "Hi buddy!" He said, hugging him. Why was kyler nice to him anyway?
"Y'all are aggressive. God help me, please!" Ayden said, angrily. "Man, God made you go through all of the  pain you're going though because of all the sins you're making, so don't go ask for him to help you after he banished you you little spawn of satan." He then jumped on her.

"Watch your mouth you fucking suicidal bitch" he then Tried to bite her. Valeria smacked him.

"Suicidal? At least im not a spoiled brat that can't sleep unless I have a stuffed animal by my side." He then fell on the ground.

"I will whoop your ass you fucking bitch! And no! I don't sleep with a stuffed animal." She then punched him. Well done Valeria. He really needed this ass whooping."Before you think of whooping my ass, consider stop being a twat and man the fuck up!" he gasped and punched Valeria in the face. Sylvia then interfered and then stopped him.

"Thanks Sylvia" "you're welcome" she helped Valeria up, ignoring ayden's cussing and shouting. "Why is Sylvia so nice to Valeria?" I asked Rikki. "Honestly, their friendship is a secret to all of us, maybe not Irene but to us yes. Some say that Valeria stopped her from killing herself, some say that she helped her quit drugs, others say that they're secretly dating. No one has a proof of anything. You can ask Irene after she drinks. She spills everything when she's drunk." I didn't want to go anywhere near Irene at that time since she seemed too irritated, definitely jealous.

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