Chapter 11

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Timeskip after the weekend.

My mind hasn't stopped working from Friday, with many emotions getting bottled up inside me, mix of guilt, sadness, confusion, and anger. I was guilty of what I've done, the fact that I cheated on Rikki, which was also the cause of the anger inside of me. However, I was confused why kyler did what he did.

My mind then went to my mom and I was worried. Is she alive? My mom wasn't the perfect parent, but she at least tried her best to give me a good life. I was the only person left that cared about her.

Anyways, I brushed my thoughts aside and looked at the clock. It was 6.30 a.m. so I went to take a shower and then went to eat some cereal. When I was done, I left the house and went to school. In order to survive in this world until I had to go back to mine, I had to do my best.


When I reached the school, I saw Felicia and Helen so I ran to them. "Hi!" I said cheerfully, trying to forget about what happened on Friday. "Hi" Felicia said while rubbing her eyes, tired as hell. "Hello. You seem cheerful today." She said while I was impressed with my acting skills. I nodded my head. Someone then ran and jumped on Felicia's back.

It was Evelyn. Laurie followed after. "Good morning everyone!!" She screamed. Felicia shot her a glare. "Hi!" She said happily. "Where's Maya." The nerd I think. I don't like her.

Felicia rolled her eyes, clearly feeling the same feelings I had against Maya. "I don't know." She said irritatedly. Evelyn hopped down on the floor. We then went inside the class.


"So, what do you think of coming over at my place?" Evelyn asked. "Sure!" I said. Laurie made thumbs up showing that she'll go. Felicia nodded her head while Helen wasn't listening. "Helen? Are you gonna come over?" She asked. She nodded her head. "Aren't we invited too?" Jasper asked. "No. It's girls night" Felicia said irritatedly. "Geez, someone's in a bad mood." He clearly got on her nerves. She rolled her eyes. "No shit" she said and he chuckled.

"Juliane?" She said nicely. I looked at her. " do you smoke weed?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Great! I know a drug dealer we can buy some weed and smoke them today" I didn't think that this was a good idea but since we only live once, why not?

"I don't mind." I said. "I do! My parents will kill me if they saw you smoking. And they'll force me not to talk to you anymore."  Felicia rolled her eyes again. "You're so lame. Anyways, you can come over at my place then and we can smoke weed since I live alone. Even y'all can join us if you want." She said happily and I smiled at her. "Why don't we go to your house instead then?" Helen asked. "Because Evelyn planned it first." Laurie said quietly. She's nice.

We then went back to class where they taught us about the history of music. "Okay class, you have a test next week. Juliane, I need to talk to you" the class left while I stayed to talk to her. "Yes?" She smiled at me. "First, here's your history book. The test will be from page 75 till page 140." 65 pages in one week?! This woman is crazy. "And I know that it's too much as you're new here so I'll give you one extra week to study for it. If you have any questions you can ask me. Okay?" I take that back. I nodded my head. "Thanks" I said and I left.

When i went outside, I saw Laurie, Felicia, and Evelyn standing together, waiting for me. "Is everything alright?" Laurie asked me. "Yeah. She just wanted to give me my new history book, told me what pages I'll have to study for the test, and postponed the test for me since I'm new here" I told them. "Cool! If you need any help you can ask any of us!" I thanked them.

"By the way, where's Helen?" I asked them. "Um, she's at the school counselor." Is everything alright with her? "Is she alright?" I asked. "Yeah, just life you know." Laurie said. "Even though her mother is a part of the congress, she doesn't have the best life." True. Mental health has nothing to do with money. Sure, it helps in making you happier but it doesn't heal mental problems. But since she's so similar to Sylvia and Ayden, and her mom is also a member of the congress, could she be their sister?

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