Chapter 9

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Kyler's POV

I can't believe that I'm walking side to side with her. Damn. She smells so good. Rikki's so lucky to have her. For some reason, her vibe is different from the people I met before. She has the same fashion style as Veronica, my ex. Those two radiate the same vibe. Damn, I really do have a type. Not really though. Veronica had the same style as Juliane but had blond hair.

Everything about Juliane is stunning though. The way her soft voice matches her looks. Her beautiful tanned skin with brown eyes and long lashes. Her silky black hair too. She's so perfect. Her personality above all is the best. The way she laughs and smiles makes her 10 times more beautiful.

If I'm being honest, I'm so jealous that Rikki is dating Juliane, but didn't say anything about it because I've always been the 'good brother' and because I wish him the best.

My dad once cheated on his ex-wife, with my mother. He apparently 'loved' her. When she found out, she divorced him and left. My mother then decided to give me to my father because she thought that I will get a better chance with him than with her because my dad was improving himself. He used to live on the streets but worked hard and is now rich.

However, he still loves that woman. He thinks that if I wasn't born, he might have not divorced his ex and now they would have been together and maybe had a future together. He thinks that I jinxed his life. This is why he hits me. Because I'm the reason for all of his sorrows. And this is why I moved out, to prove to him that if he lost something it's because of his mistakes and not because I jinx stuff, besides to get away from my dad's abuse.

Anyways, my dad found a woman and he married her. This woman is rikki's mother. Rikki was his blessing in this world, while I am the bane of his life. That's why he treats rikki better than me. He grew up with both of his parents taking care of him and here's me, the disappointment of the family just for existing.

Rikki gets whatever he wants while I have to fight for everything! He had everything while I had nothing. And now he's dating the prettiest girl in Elpis and I can't do anything about it because she also likes him back.


I was in bed. My head was hurting me a lot because of the fever. Valeria got me soup. "You have fever and when I'm sick it helps." I thanked her and drank it. That's the thing about us, me, Irene, Valeria, Camille, hector, Carlos, and Ajax. We have to fight to get what we want. When we're sick, we take care of ourselves on our own. After the death of Carlos, Valeria and I grew way closer, we started sharing secrets. However, both of us know that we didn't tell each other everything, and it's okay.

"Thanks Valeria." She smiled at me. "Does Juliane dating your brother has to do with why you're sick?" I tried to avoid having an eye contact with her. She's smart. "You have every right to get mad." She said. "Valeria, why does he get everything? Why is his life easier than mine?" She looked down, surely feeling the same things I was feeling at that moment. Her life was even harder than mine so she understood why I'm mad.

She then sighed. "Some people are luckier than others, it's a fact. However, what I'm sure of is that if Juliane's the one, she'll come back to get you, sooner or later. If not, you'll find your soulmate."

I then stared at the wall behind me. "I'm tired." I told her. "You know what's funny?" I looked at her. "Many men try to gain more money in order to get the woman they want. Little do y'all know that what we want isn't only the money. It's your attention, your care, and when the man actually acts like a man. You're stronger than Rikki, and look, while you didn't deserve to go through what you went through, it shaped you up as someone Rikki would never be." I scoffed.

"Yeah, someone that deals with everything using his fists, someone that hates himself and hate that he even exist, trust issues, suicidal thoughts, and can't fix a relationship with anyone. I don't even know how I'm still friends with you,Irene, and Ayden. Rikki's way more mentally stable than me, she deserves someone like him." I realized that I exposed a lot about myself that Valeria didn't even know so my eyes widened.

She just shook her head. "God, why do you always have to look at your bad traits?? You're also someone that would die to protect the people you care about, funny, nice, kind-hearted, free-spirited, and would understand if someone ever talked to you about their trauma because you have gone through something like that. Also, I personally love your company more than Rikki's. Maybe because both of us are mentally ducked up? It doesn't matter but you're a fun person to be around. Even Irene and Ayden think so. Screw the rest."

I smiled at her. She always helps me at seeing things the way they are, or at least better than what's in my mind. However, I also care about Juliane's opinion about me. What if she thought that I am too crazy for her?? What if she likes quiet boys??

"She reminds me of Veronica." she cut my thoughts. I chuckled. "Remember when you used to hit on her? I thought that you loved her. Hope it's not the same with Juliane." I said and she laughed, clearly recalling of the memories when she used to flirt with Veronica.

"Veronica was hot, no one can deny this fact. But Juliane is different. Veronica is carefree and genuine, but for some reason, I get the feeling that she's hiding something." She said. What does she mean? "Like what?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. "Don't know. I'm worried about Irene though. What if she's a spy? Don't forget that Irene's brother is a part of the congress. Maybe she's trying to hurt them??"

I shook my head. "Irene is smart and she said that Juliane is related to her." Valeria raised her eyebrows. "Do you actually buy that? I've known Irene for so long to tell that she's lying. But why?" She has a point. Or maybe she's helping me to get over Juliane.

I then looked around. My room was too messy. "My room is as disgusting as a trash can." I told Valeria. She cackled at my expression. "It's okay. I will help you with cleaning it. Just rest now." She smiled at me and went to get blanket and placed it on the couch.

"Can you stay with me this night only? I don't want to be left alone." She sighed and jumped beside me. "Last time you slept with someone on the same bed was with Carlos, right?" I asked her, trying to find out if that was the reason of her disbelief.

She shook her head which was shocking. "No, it was Irene." I raised my eyebrows. "She really is head over heels for you." I said. She chuckled. "I know. I also know that I was wrong to sleep with her. I - I don't know."

"Do you like her?" I asked. She has always been a closed book. You rarely could tell what she was thinking or feeling, unless it was the death of someone special or something too funny happened.

"Who knows. I mean, she's a dream come true, but I don't know. Maybe I'm saying that because I'm still not over carlos. After all, we dated for 7 years. Moving on wasn't easy, and I know that I'm not fully over him. Maybe that's why. Maybe it's because I know that she has feelings for me and Im just selfish? If I'm being honest, if she ever loved someone else, I will definitely pull a heartbroken kyler"I then rolled my eyes and we both laughed. We then fell asleep.

The next day, we both skipped work. There were too many cups and plates in my room so we took them to the kitchen to wash them. The door then opened to reveal a happy Rikki and a shy Juliane. This is gonna be a long long night.

Flashback ended

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