Chapter 3

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Valeria left Irene's apartment, and if I'm being honest, all of the positive energy left with her. She's so nice, funny, and understanding. i looked outside, trying to absorb everything I can see to get an idea of what kind of place I'm going to temporarily live in. It was raining outside, with the place looking like a beautiful portrait.

While being mesmerized by the view, I heard an irritating sound. It was the sound of a hammer, which belonged to a certain annoying tomboy. She brought wood and began working on something in an empty room. I decided to make a friendly gesture and ask her if she wants my help. She's clearly good at making things, but maybe like passing her something or holding something for her? After all, I'll live in her place "Do you need help?" I asked her.

She let out an irritated sigh "I'd appreciate it if you stay away from me." I rolled my eyes. Honestly, she irritated me. A lot. In fact, she's the most bipolar person I met, because 5 minutes ago, she was laughing with Valeria. Also, I get that she's in love with her, but is she in love with kyler too? No. Yet she's nice to both of them. If she was mad, I'd understand her behavior. She however has been an asshole the moment I met her, and the number of times her mood has been changing faster than rate of men my mom changed.

I went and wore my rain jackets, but before I left, I looked at her, while glaring at her. "You know, if being an asshole is a job, you'll make so much money from it. I'm going out for a walk" She stopped working and glared at me. I ignored her and went for a walk. On my way, I kept on thinking about Jacob and my old friends. How are they doing?? What is going on with them?


It was Friday. I went to Ella's place, because there was a party that we were going to. Her mom wouldn't believe her if she went alone, but if she's with me or other friends, she thinks that we'll hang out. Weird logic but it be like that sometimes. I made sure not to put so much make up and wear revealing outfits so that her mom doesn't suspect anything.

She took out a bottle of whiskey from underneath her bed. Her parents were downstairs, watching a movie. Lucky for us, my school bag was with me. I smiled. "Gurrlll." She then shushed me. "'My mom might hear. Put it in your bag" she didn't have to say more. I was honestly craving some alcohol. She put the bottle in my bag with her clothes and make up and then we left the room. "Where are both of you going?" Her mom asked.

Our moms are totally different. My mom believes that since she's giving me money and I'm getting good grades, I'm alright, so she never cares what I'm doing or anything. She sometimes stay outside for 2 days, and other times, she brings men home. Ella's mom on the other hand is a very overprotective person. She cares about every single detail in her life. Me and other friends of Ella's always act polite so that her mom doesn't follow her and believes that we're just hanging out to eat or something.

"Um, we're going to hang out a bit outside, maybe go to the arcades and then go to a restaurant or something" I said. "We might stay over at Juliane's place" Ella said. She doesn't know about my mom being a careless person, so she smiled. "Have fun!" We then left the place. "Let's go to Nathan's friend's place." We took the bus and went there. When we went inside the house, we dressed up and went to party.

They played many songs, and me and Ella drank a lot. I drank too much cider and vodka, but then I blacked out.

When I woke up, I wasn't in a familiar room. Someone then opened the door. It was a handsome guy with black hair and blue eyes. He was tall and muscular. Honestly, he didn't look like he had a hangover. For a second, I thought that he took advantage of me while I blacked out. I had a hangover, so I had so much headaches and my felt like I had no energy to do anything.

"Where am I?" I asked him. "Don't you remember that you were at a party yesterday?" I nodded my head. "Yes i do, but why am I not home and in this room?" He laughed. "Um, you were dancing and singing, then Alex dared you to go outside and use the streetlight pole as a stripper pole and dance on it, which you did but then threw up on a guy outside. I wasn't drunk so then took you back inside and you threw up more in the bathroom. You were exhausted and since my room is the closest to the bathroom, you went inside and slept on the bed." My face turned red. Did I actually dance outside like a stripper and then threw up on a man??!! This also means that many people took a video of me. Fuck!!

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