Chapter 5

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I woke up by the sound of a machine. It was Valeria. Irene was watching her as she was fixing something. Both of them were wearing googles.

I then remembered last night and blushed. It was one of the best times I've had sex. Rikki was beside me, with his arms wrapped around me. His hair was a bit messy, but it didn't make him look less handsome. In fact, he looked so perfect. I got out of his grip and showered. When I was done, I looked in the mirror and saw a hickey on my neck.

'Fuck! What am I supposed to do?!' I smacked myself mentally. The biggest problem was that I didn't have any makeup to hide it with, and it wasn't that cold to wear a scarf. Even if it was, I didn't have one. My only choice was to wear a hoodie and tie it, then ask either Valeria or Irene to lend me their foundation to hide it. Rikki then went to shower after I left the bathroom. Valeria and Irene were still working, so I thought that going inside and taking the makeup without them noticing was a better option, so I tried to sneak inside.

Unfortunately, they turned off the machine. "Look at this beauty."Valeria said to Irene, looking at what she was making. I tried to walk slowly, but there was a tile that made a weird sound, so they heard me and turned around, looking at me. "Good morning" I said nervously. Valeria happily smiled at me. "Good morning love! How did you sleep last night?" She said, still energetic. I was surprised. Didn't any of them get a hangover or something?"I slept well, how about both of you?" " I slept perfectly fine. Thanks for bringing me here. I wouldn't have been able to go home alone, but you didn't have to sleep on the couch." I shook my head.

"No it's alright. Irene's couch is much more comfortable than the ones in my old house." She then looked at my neck and smirked. I blushed, knowing why she was smirking. " maybe, but the bed is much bigger and more comfortable." She teased."We didn't do anything!" I semi shouted.

"That mark on your neck says otherwise" I mentally punched Rikki for giving me a hickey. She laughed.
"It's okay, that's human nature, no shame in it. I mean, you wouldn't have been here without it, right." I blushed even more. "Yeah but, we didn't do anything." She then nodded her head.

"Sure, sure." Irene then cut the awkward conversation. "Valeria!!" She caught Valeria's attention so she looked at the thing they were making but then immediately went back to work."What are you working on?" I asked. "A sex toy." My eyes widened. "I'm kidding." I went to the living room to see Rikki, but he slept. Suddenly, there was a soft knock on the door so I opened it. It was the pink haired girl that I forgot her name.

"Hi!" I said.

"Hi Juliane. How's your day been?" I made thumbs up. "Great. How about you?" She went in and smacked rikki. "It has been great, now wake the fuck up!" She said. He then woke up. "Owww!!" He opened his eyes and sat while pouting. He looked around, and when he saw me, he smiled. He's too cute for this world."Hi Juliane" she said softly. I chuckled.

"Now enough with the lovey dovey stuff and let's go buy a gift for Sylvia ." Who's Sylvia?

She then looked at me. "And we can go to my workplace, I made clothes that look way better than Valeria's plain clothes. They look so boring so we need to find you something different." Valeria then glared at her. I had to disagree. Valeria has a good style.

"I can hear you!" She shouted. Both of us giggled. She went back to work again. "No. We'll first let Juliane sign up for an interview." I then got scared. What if I cant concentrate? What if I don't sing well? What if they won't like my singing? What if they think that I don't have the talent?? What will happen?

Rikki seemed to notice how worried I was. " don't worry you'll just sing and play the guitar in front of them and if they accept you, which they most likely will, you'll get your own working space and will work on your new songs and perform them in front of the people here." That wasn't enough to calm me down, because I was scared, so I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Eventually, I tried to forget a bit about it and calmed down.

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