Chapter 8

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After Valeria closed door behind her, Rikki went to get a box. He then opened it and a necklace was in there. "Umm, I made that for you." My eyes widened. I didn't expect him to get me a gift. "Oh my god it's so beautiful! Thanks!!" I then hugged him. He is nice, kind, good looking, and also knows how to treat a woman. If I'm being honest, this guy began getting me to like him, not as much as I like kyler though.

"I just wanted to ask you, do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to date him. This is the most time I've ever been this confused in my whole life. I'm beginning to crush on him, but I can't help but have feelings for his brother. This is weird because both are too good for me! I'm just a quiet girl that gets crazy after drinking, I mean, don't we all? Anyways, I had to give him a chance. "I'd love to." Do I?

I mentally slapped myself. After all, what I have for kyler is just a crush. Before, I was crushing on Jacob, and I thought that it will take so long time to get over him. I'm surprised that I rarely think of him when he never left my mind before I came here. It hurts me that I have to leave this place. It's much better than my world.

When I let go of him, he grabbed my waist and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him while he slid his tongue in my mouth, exploring it. I then let out a moan. He pulled away. "My brother and Valeria are here and I don't want them to hear anything."

I nodded my head. He then kissed me again. His hands left my waist to my hips and back to it. I then jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. He placed me on his bed and removed my shirt, revealing my black bra, while I removed his t-shirt. I was horny.

The door then opened right before he removed my bra and revealed a certain redhead. "Rikki, neither me nor kyler found the- fucking horny kids." she said while rolling her eyes.

Rikki rolled on the bed beside me, facing Valeria. I sat up. Kyler showed up behind her. "Horny kids? I thought that the person should reach to puberty in order to feel horny because when I was a k-oh" He said while walking to rikki's bedroom. When he saw us, he stopped dead in his tracks and stared at me. His eyes went down to my boobs for a while till Valeria nudged him. They then stared at each other.  rikki's shirt was right beside me so I wore it. The way he looked at me tho....

Look, the most thing I hate is being sexualized by a man, but, if this man is my crush then I don't mind, probably why I didn't mind him staring at me that way.

"It's okay, we can get the hammer from my workshop." Kyler said quietly and left. Valeria looked at both of us. "Can I join?" She asked, trying to keep her laughter in. Rikki shot her a glare. "No." She rolled her eyes. "Someone can't get a joke." She said and I chuckled. "See, even your girlfriend agrees." My eyes widened. "No I don't." I said, worried that I hurt rikki's feelings. She shook her head. "You don't usually joke about it." She sighed "anyways, get the D bestie. I hope its not as salty as him." My eyes widened.

Before she left, I blurted out"By the way, can we join you to your workshop? I want to see how your school and working place looks like."


She thought to herself. "I don't mind but our working place is different from Rikki's school. It's in the same area though. Rikki can show you the school while kyler can show you the workshop." My cheeks began to turn red. I was blushing. Nooooo! I shouldn't be! He doesn't even like me! I don't either!! He'll just show me around.

Valeria and kyler went on their motorcycles while I got inside rikki's car. They were way faster than us. There weren't any speed limitations in here.
"Why is your car slower than their motorcycles?" I asked Rikki. "Because their motorcycles have 2 engines. Every one of us has a motorcycle and a car, I just enjoy not going fast. For some reason those two are in a rush." I smiled at him. Well, the car is not the only slow thing. Yes, I'm dirty minded.

We then reached a place with the gates looking like screwdrivers. The school looked like a huge nail placed on the floor. Rikki showed me his school. It's beautiful to be honest. The walls were olive green with machines and engines on the shelves. This school showed the beauty of technology and engines that I fell in love with the mechanics. This universe is so aesthetically pleasing that I just don't want to leave it anymore.

"This is the room where I work on my machines." He was explaining what they do when I felt a presence behind me. The person behind me tapped my shoulder so I looked around. It was kyler. He was holding a backpack.

"Um, do you want me to show you around?" He asked. I tried my best to sound normal just like he is. "Why won't Rikki show me the place?" I asked him. "Because Camille needs his help with a project. Don't worry he won't cheat because Ayden will be there." Rikki nodded his head. He then gave me a peck on the lips. "If you want, go hime with kyler and Valeria, and I'll be there! If not, I'll see you tomorrow so bye!" He then left.

Kyler checked me out. Doesn't he respect the fact that I'm his brother's girlfriend? "Do you usually check out your brother's girlfriends?" I asked. "No because none are as hot as you." My heart was beating faster. Why does he make me feel like that?? I hate how I can't help but fall for kyler. He also has anger issues, which is a huge red flag for me. Still, I like him. Ughhh! Why do things have to be like that?? Why can't I just fall for Rikki, and then we date, and whatever happens in the future happens??

"Well, I'm still his girlfriend." I knew that it's a lie. I don't really like him as much as I like kyler. He chuckled and leaned towards the wall. "Good for both of you" he said and looked at me in my eyes. His felt like a predator that just wants to catch his prey. "Anyways, can we get going?" He asked and both of us left the building. The walk was silent, the awkward one. There was too much tension in the air.

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