Chapter 7

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I woke up the next day after I heard something moving. It felt like I haven't slept much so i checked the time. It was 5 in the morning and school began at 8. I groaned in annoyance and tried to sleep but couldn't because of the loud noise.

After a while, I couldn't stand the sound any longer so I opened my door and knocked on Irene's. She opened it, looking exhausted. "Why are you knocking on my door at 5 am?" She asked, kinda irritated.

'Why are you moving your furniture at 5 am??' I thought to myself

"Because I can't sleep from all the noise you're making" I said with annoyance in my voice. She then made an eye contact with me. Her blue eyes were honestly beautiful but piercing. They held so much sadness, which I didn't notice until that moment. Under her eyes, there were dark circles. Her eyes then softened and she looked away. "Im sorry. Let me just move my cupboard back to its place and I'll stop." She then went to move it back. "Want some help?" I asked her. She shook her head and moved it.

"I'll go make some hot chocolate. Do you want some?" She asked, walking past me while not looking at me. "Sure" she nodded her head and made her way to the kitchen. I went to take a shower because it felt like I smelled like sweat and so that I'll be ready for school. When I was done, I wore a white tank top and black pants, and went to the kitchen. It was so beautiful that I had to admire it every time I'm here. "Are you ready for your first day of school?" She asked glancing at me while heating the hot chocolate up. "School never excited me." I said, recalling all the boring lectures we had and how many detentions we had to go to. She chuckled.

"Are you an only child?" I asked her. She shook her head. "No, I have an older brother." She said while pouring the hot chocolate in two cups.
Irene then gave me one of them. I thanked her and began drinking from mine, and so did she. "Then why doesn't he come over? I mean, Valeria basically lives here. So why doesn't he pay you a visit?" She smiled. "What you now said is why he never comes over. Because Valeria's always here. He used to like her till I confronted him about my feelings for her. and just so you know, I've liked her before he did sooooo yeah. He now lost his feelings for her and is dating someone else, and now find it awkward to come over here." I nodded my head and took another sip.

"What about you?" She asked. "I'm an only child." I said. I've always wished that I had a sibling. "You're just like Camille."I then asked her a question that has been on my mind ever since I came to her place. "Irene?" She looked at me. "Hmm?" " why have you been mean to me the whole time, and now you're suddenly nice to me?" I asked her. She sighed, and her eyes were filled with more sadness than before.

"I'm just afraid that people will hurt me and leave. I don't know you much, but I know that you're here temporarily, so I don't want to get used to talking to you because I don't want to miss anyone else. Also, many people hurt me in my past. Can't take more pain. And the reasons why I'm being nice to you is that you have been nothing but nice to me and can't treat you in a bad way since you also heard me talking about Valeria. Also,  for some reason, when I look at you I see Valeria, and I can't help but be nice to anyone that resembles her. " She talks a lot about Valeria so I chuckled at the realization. She looked confused.

What's so funny?" She asked. "You always mention Valeria. It's cute how everything anyone does reminds you of her." She smiled. They really are cute together.

"And It's amazing to resemble someone like Valeria, but we don't look alike and don't act the same. What made you think that I'm like her?" She looked up to the ceiling, thinking. " for starters, you have the same fashion style, same eye shape and color but Valeria's are bigger, and I don't know, even though you're not as loud as her, you talk a lot alike. Maybe you both went through similar things that made you alike?" I nodded my head, kinda convinced.

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