Chapter 4

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I woke up and went to take a shower. When I was done, I realized that the only clothes I had were the ones I was wearing when I came here, and they were dirty, so I went and knocked on Irene's door. "Can I borrow-" I then started laughing at how Irene looked like. She had red powder on her forehead and her cheeks, looking like a doll, except that her hair was messy.

"What's so funny?" I laughed even more. "Why do you look like that?" I asked between laughs. "Something exploded in my face." I then laughed. There was a knock on the door. I went and opened it. Valeria came again.

"Helloooo!!God, It's too cold outside."  Then, I moved to the side, and she went in. She then gave me a brown wooden box. "I brought you some clothes since Irene isn't really the fashionable type, and she will unlikely take you shopping." I thanked her for bringing me extra clothes.

"She didn't even tell me hi" Irene mumbled, walking out of her room. she looked at Irene and Her jaw dropped. "Why do you look like.... a tomato" I then laughed again. She did too.

"The pipe of the machine exploded" Valeria raised her eyebrows. "I never knew that makeup is sold in pipes." She said sarcastically and irene glared at her. Valeria stopped laughing, noticing that she got irritated "But it's not supposed to let out a red powder." She then giggled

"Who are you trying to impress?" She said while i let out a laugh. "No one!" She whined but then covered her mouth. Valeria then walked to her. "Good, because if you'll go out like that, trust me, you won't impress anyone" she sighed.

"What am I supposed to do with you?" She said jokingly to Irene, and went to open her bag, revealing a smaller bag .it had make up in it.

"A lot." I said but regretted it. Irene glared at me but Valeria chuckled . "I like the way you think."she said "C'mon, let's take the blush off your face and I'll help you with the make up" they then left and I went to my bedroom.

In the box, there were some dresses, shirts, tank tops with spaghetti straps, t-shirts, pants, shoes, accessories, and corsets. The outfits didn't look either too old or too modern. The dresses were simple, plain, yet elegant.

The dresses' colours mint green, black, white, dark blue, red, and purple, with white, brown, and black corsets. There were 5 pants: black, dark green, brown, blue, and beige.

There were 3 t-shirts, white, pink, and black, and one shirt only that was white. She got me more tank tops though, a black one, sky blue, orange,  white, sage green,  pink, lavender purple, brown, beige, and a grey one.

She also got me black and beige boots and one silver heels. Regarding to accessories, she got me a silver necklace and a gold one, with silver and gold hoop earrings. They were fake silver and gold though.
She has a good taste.

I wore the black pants with the white shirt. I tied the shirt and wore the hoop earrings. Valeria was talking and I went and sat down with them. They then looked at me.

"Damn! You look stunning" Valeria said happily. "Thanks." I said. She then talked about a one night stand or something. "You had a one night stand with someone last night?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"Was it kyler?" I felt like my heart sank. I can't be jealous, right? I won't stay here for too long, so loving, or even liking him will be pointless. "No! It was someone else." Irene rolled her eyes

"How many people have you had sex with?" Valeria asked me. I blushed, thinking about it. Mine was 2. Ethan, my first boyfriend, and my other boyfriend whom I got after Ethan left. "2" I said. They looked shocked.

" Only??" Valeria asked surprisingly. "Only? I thought that she was a virgin" Irene said. Why would she think that?? And even if I was, what's wrong with it??? 

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