Chapter 12

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I went back home and placed my backpack and the other bag aside while I threw myself on the bed. I heard a knock on my door. "Enter." It was Valeria. "Hiiiii" she said happily. I smiled at her. She sat on the chair. " how was the sleepover?" she asked, clearly curious. I wonder what these two thought this sleepover was, since Irene was telling me to not mess things up with Felicia and stuff which she probably told Valeria. "It was great. We had so much fun." She smiled. "One of the people there was Felicia, right?" I knew that she'll bring her up. She smirked while I was confused. It's not like there's anything going on.

"Yeah she was there." Irene then walked in. "Valeria please give it back ti me. C'mon." She cooed while Valeria laughed. "Hell nah. I finally found this magical bracelet and I want to check what exactly are these rocks since they're not from here" Irene then sighed. "Okay fine,you know what? You can have it. just don't lose it, and be careful because these stones break easily, and if they do, they'll lose all of their worth, just in case we have to sell it." I looked at the bracelet. It was made of diamond, which is shocking how they don't know it, and how cute they are since Irene gave Valeria such expensive bracelet.

"In my world, only rich people can afford such bracelets" Irene and Valeria stared at each other then at me. "Me and Irene found this once in the black market." My eyes widened. "Do you go there?" She laughed. "Honey, me, Irene, and some other people used to steal from there back when we were kids." Irene looked at me. "Actually, we still do" Valeria nudged her. "She doesn't have to know this." Irene then looked away.

"Okay, Irene told me that you know someone that can help me." I told Valeria. Her expression immediately changed, clearly not wanting to talk about it. "Yes. I do" " when can we meet this person?" I asked her. "Whenever you want. She works in a brothel, so if you want to talk to her, you need to show her that you have something she actually needs, otherwise no. It will be useless." She works in a WHAT?! "Can't you talk to her for me since you know her?" She smiled awkwardly. "The thing is.....she wouldn't answer me, and if she found out that I'm trying to find an answer for something, she'll make sure that I don't. So no. I'm really sorry, but this woman and I have something personal. If I meet her, one of us will kill each other." My eyes widened. What happened that would cause someone like Valeria to kill this person??

"I can go there alone then. Just give me the address." She laughed while Irene looked down, knowing something I clearly don't. "Love, are you sure you want to go there? Trust me, me, Irene, Carlos, Felicia, Ajax, and hector did our best to get out of that shitty place. And don't get the wrong idea, none of us lived in the brothel, we lived in the underground. As much as I think that it's a great trait of yours, that you're a nice and kind person, this might be a cause to why you might be a bit naïve, and trust me, the underground will eat you alive." But she's a nice person, so how was she able to survive back there there?

"But I really need to go back there! My mom might die! She got kidnapped by a gang!" Tears began forming in my eyes. "She might not be the best parent, but- but she's my mother after all! I can't let her die! I'm the only family she has, and she's the only family I do! I don't want to lose her!" I began crying. The guilt eats me alive everyday, thinking that I'm alive and healthy while my mom might be tortured. She was a prostitute, but still, she used that money to get me food and shelter. I definitely don't agree with her ways, but I know that she's a sad person that needs help after all. Maybe if I go back we can have a fresh start again??? Maybe I can find a way to bring her to this world and wr can have our fresh start here??

Valeria looked away, trying to keep the tears from coming out. She then left my bedroom. Irene went after her and closed the door behind her. I then went to sleep, maybe try and escape this ugly truth I'm living in. Maybe all of this is a dream? None of these people exist? Maybe valeria, Irene, kyler, Rikki, and the rest are just an illusion that I made in order to cope with my life?

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