Chapter 14

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Back to Juliane's pov

I woke up with no energy to get out of the bed but also unable to go back to sleep. Laying on the bed and gazing at the wall in front of me, my head was filled with so many thoughts it felt like bursting. It was quite a pleasant morning for people that normally lived here with no knowledge of another world, however, for me it felt like each day was the same. Forcing myself out of the bed, I decided to just take a walk outside before my mind will kill me.

There was a cold breeze that matched how I was feeling. Birds were flying away since it was getting colder. I decided to skip school today since my mental state is fucked. While walking around, I ran into someone and something fell on the floor. He dropped his papers. The guy had a medium length jet black and wavy hair with hopeless and turned green eyes and tanned skin. He also had eye bags and dark circles. He had good amount of muscles. The mysterious yet somehow familiar guy was wearing a dark green t-shirt and black slacks.

I helped him with his papers. While handing them to him, I glanced at the first paper. It had a sketch of a woman wearing a skirt and a tight turtleneck. He however painted the background just not the woman yet. "Watch were you're going." He said with a tired yet harsh voice. He looks familiar. "Do I know you?" I asked. He was fixing his pants "Well I live here so you've probably seen me around." He stopped and looked at me, his eyes getting a tint of hope.

"Aren't you the girl that hangs with Valeria, and Irene?" He asked and I nodded my head, not being able to predict his next move. "Well, you must be interesting then." He began to leave. "N-nice drawing" I said. He smiled. For some reason, I was feeling bad for him. He looked like he was dead. "Thanks. It's a drawing of the love of my life, a woman who I can't stay with as much as I'd want to "  he went to sit down on a bench so I followed him and sat beside him. He seemed harmless.

"The woman seems quite gorgeous" I told him, hoping it'll make him feel happier, which worked. "She's way more gorgeous in real life. what makes her even more gorgeous is her lovely personality. In fact, she's perfect." I wanted to ask more but didn't. "Hope you find a way to stay with her then" I told him. He sighed. " same, but she thinks that I'm dead when I'm not, and I just was able to escape the prison a week ago and I'm now living in my old house's backyard so that I don't get caught." He actually smelled too good for someone that escaped prison. "How don't you smell like sweat and stuff?" I asked. " because I take showers when my sister leave." I nodded my head understandingly.

"Why don't you just tell your sister?" I asked. "She'll be in so much danger" he then sighed. "Are you skipping school?" He asked. "Yeah. I really can't be in that place" he chuckled. "Reminds me of my girlfriend, or ex. She never liked going to school and we always ditched classes to smoke weed. We both worked hard just didn't like going there." I smiled.

"Which type of schools do you go to?" "Music. You?" He sighed. "Mechanical" "so you knew Valeria, Irene, and kyler? Right?" I asked him. He nodded his head. "Irene is antisocial but was popular because her brother is an important guy at the council, and valeria and kyler knew literally everybody. Kyler's brother still goes to that school. He's almost the same age as you." I nodded my head. "He's my boyfriend." He raised his eyebrows in amusement. "You don't seem like his type though." I looked at him, confused. How does he know who's his type?

"How do you know what's his type?" I asked him. "You seem quiet and nice. His ex is Maya. She's also studying music." Wait, what?? Why didn't anyone tell me that?? "Maybe he's just into women that play music?" "I didn't know." I told him. He shook his head. "Do you know Felicia?" He asked. "She's one of my friend group. Why?" "If you asked her she wouldn't lie to you." "How do-" he cut me off. " she's one of the good people." I nodded my head, just not convinced because she never told me.

"I actually like his brother." I blurted out. I then covered my mouth. "Kyler?" He asked. I nodded my head. "I didn't really like him before." I had to ask him, especially since he knows so much. "Why are you hiding?" I asked. "I was kidnapped and was tortured for about a year. I finally escaped but can't ask for the police's protection since I'm from the undercity. They just don't give a fuck abt us." I wished if I could help him.

"What's your name?" He asked. "Juliane. You?" "Carl" I nodded my head. "What are you doing here if you're hiding?" I asked him.

"I can't stay home for too long. It irritates me" he then asked again"how do you know Valeria, Irene, kyler, and the rest?" He asked. "I'm living with Irene and is dating kyler's brother. Valeria's a good friend" he nodded his head "how are they doing?" He asked. "They're good." He smiled

"Are you hungry?" He nodded his head. "Okay wait. I'll get food for both of us." I went to get pizza. When I went back, I didn't find him. Someone pulled my hair. I panicked, thinking that this person will attack me so I slapped them. I then looked behind me and saw Camille. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I told her. "Heh, it's okay." She then looked at the bag that I had with me. "Is that pizza?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Are you alone or are you waiting for someone?" She asked. "No I was gonna eat here..... by myself. If you want you can join me and eat with me." Her face lit up. "Thank you!!!" We then sat down on the bench and we ate.

"Why aren't you at school?" She asked while munching on her food. "I don't feel like it. Why aren't you at school?" I asked. "I have a free hour soooo yeah." I smiled. "Who did Rikki date before?" I asked. She chocked on her food. "Um... he dated a girl called Maya and she is very toxic. Don't worry, he has no feelings left for her." She told me. That's not what I wanted to hear though. "Cool." I told her and kept on eating. "Are you alright? You seem a bit..... tensed up" I shook my head. "I'm just having a tough time to be honest. You know, life." She chuckled. " yeah. I know exactly what you mean." She then sighed. "Can we go and get some cigarettes after we're done?" She asked and I nodded my head. Something seemed off about her today.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked. She smiled. "I'm good. Just tired." I nodded my head. "Do you describe your mother as a good mother?" She asked. "I don't know. I mean, she did her best to afford me a good life, it's just that, after my father left, she just rarely talked to me. She either asked about things or wanted to tell me about things regarding to me. Never had an actual conversation about life." She looked down. "I'm sorry to hear that." I shook my head. "No no! It's alright! I don't really care anyway." I do. She just don't need to worry.

She sighed. "Me and my mom has been in several fights." I looked at her. " she's exhausting herself with work. I told her to relax but she never listens! and my dad does nothing. He just sits in his bed, read books, and does nothing." Why is her mom still with him then? She should just leave him or get a divorce "Why don't you plan a vacation with her?" I asked her. "I will ask her." "I'm sorry about her." She smiled at me. "It's alright." We then went to wash our hands and left to get some cigarettes.

I lit mine and so did she. " you know, kids picked up on me because I was so shy and quiet back when I was a kid. " She told me. "But what's wrong with being shy?" I told her and she giggled. "It's just kids. They want to see someone weaker than them so that they feel superior. Rikki was bullied for the same thing, and that's how we became friends. Aiden fought my bullies, helped me overcome my shyness, and made me realize who I really am." I smiled. "That's great, because who you really are is someone amazing." I told her. She smiled. "Thanks."

We then hung out a bit longer and then said our goodbyes.

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