Chapter 2

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I opened my eyes in an unfamiliar room. It was made of wood and a metallic door. I looked around, trying to find something that I recognise, but with no luck. I was on a yellow couch. Then I looked at the table. A huge compass was placed on a simple wooden table and a comfortable-looking wooden bed.  A slim figure was sitting on a chair, working so hard on an object like their life depends on it. They have a jet black hair with an undercut and short hair. They were wearing a white tank top which revealed the tattoos on their arms, neck, and a bit of their back. I couldn't tell if they were a man or a woman since the figure in front of me had both feminine and masculine features. 

"Where am I and who are you" I asked, trying not to seem panicked or stressed. They then turned around, revealing that they're a woman. Her light blue eyes were so beautiful, but their beauty could not hide the hate and anger they held. She has an eyebrow slit, 2 helix piercings and a septum. She also has small tattoos on her arms. She looks quite muscular.

"You're finally up." She said. looks really fab trick. Even tho she looks muscular and tough, her voice is too soft, yet monotonic.

"Where am I?" Millions of questions, thoughts, and possible scenarios rushed through my head while the tomboy was scanning me with her sharp looking glare.

" in my house. Where are YOU from and what were you doing on my balcony?" She asked with coldness in her voice.

"I'm half Canadian and half Hispanic and I have no idea what I'm doing here. Who are you?" She looked at me like I'm an alien or something.

"What does that mean?" She ignored my question. But how does she not know what I mean?

"Um, you know where North America is?" She shook her head.

"Do you have a phone? A laptop? Anything?" I asked her, getting impatient.

"What are those?" Annoyance was building up inside of me. I have a mother on the verge of dying and this woman is attacking me with questions as if she is a police officer and I'm some kind of outlaw. If she was serious, it would be a problem since I couldn't use a map and this lady in front of me was living in the 17th century. "Are you joking?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about, but why were you asleep in my fucking balcony??" The balcony? How did I get there?"I don't know! I woke up in your-" Suddenly, a train of memories rushed in the back of my head. "shit, I need to go back. " I said. She confusion and anger was plastered on her face. "To the balcony? Not before you answer my questions" I sighed.

"No, Before I came here, there were a group of gangsters that came to our house and one of them was questioning and hitting my mom. I hid in the basement and while I was there, I went to my dad's room in there and found a machine and some weird looking crystals. I placed them in the holes and now I'm here! You know what? This doesn't even matter! I need to go back and see if I can do anything about the people that took my mom!" I spoke as so fast that she looked like she was still processing what I just said. I couldn't blame her, but what else am I supposed to do? I have no time to kill or patience spare with me to tolerate her questions.

" okay, so let me get this straight. You're not from here but from another place and came here using a machine?!!" I nodded my head, kind of relieved that she got the idea. "From another universe??"now that was a tough question to answer, considering that I don't know the answer myself. "I don't know, because the machines i used did't look like the ones in my world. So it's possible." she then began thinking to her self.

"I never thought that this is possible. However, If the machine got you here, it means that it either has a connection with elpis, or that there was something wrong" I nodded my head. "What is elpis?" What was a mystery to me was something she definitely knew by heart, which made her roll her eyes "It's the city and place you're in now. Also, can you draw how the machine that got you here looked like?" The place sounded like some Greek name.

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