Part 3

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???: My name is Fred, and I will be your manager for getting you gigs and what to expect when performing on stage. 

I nodded as he talked. 

Fred: First we would like to ask if you would be interested in joining a group?

Logan: A group? Like a singing band?

Fred nodded.

Fred: That's right. Here are the band members. Kendall, Carlos, and James. 

I waved at everyone. James? I don't know why that name sounds familiar. I thought as I looked at him. That's when it clicked.

Logan: James from high school?

James: Logan from high school? What's up man.

Wow. I'll be joining a singing group with my bud I went to school with. Who knew he could sing?

Logan: Man, we haven't seen each other since graduation. 

James: I know right, like a long time. 

Fred: I'm glad that you know someone here. Now let's get you signed up and we'll talk soon about upcoming projects. 

I nodded as he handed me papers to look over and sign. Rachels going to be so happy when she find this out. 


Once Logan rushed out of here, I caught a glance at our wedding picture. This took me back because he really did do the most to make sure everything was in place.

~Flashback To Wedding~

Logan: Babe. Remember I told you that everything should be perfect?

You: Yeah.

I said as he held his hands over my eyes. I held his hands as he counted down to showing me the venue. He released his hands and I saw the most beautiful venue with everything looking so royal and regal. I loved every aspect of it. 

You: Babe! You did this?

He nodded. I ran up to him and gave him a long passionate kiss. 

You: Thank you so much baby. 

Logan: I know our wedding starts in 6 hours but I wanted to show you how everything looks before we took a walk down this beautiful aisle. 

I hugged him tight. I didn't want to let him go. I'm so glad I chose him. When it was time for our wedding to start, I walked into the hotel and saw a note on top of a zipped up dry clothing with a hanger attached. The note said 

Babe, I know that we didn't have time to go shopping but I found something I think you would like. I saw you looking at it one day. See you soon, my love. From L.

I put the note down on the side of the bed and unzipped the clothing. When I took it a part, I saw the dress that I've been admiring for quite some time now. I gasped as I saw everything. I couldn't believe he got me what I wanted. I went into the bathroom and put it on then I looked in the mirror. I gasped again. I'm beautiful. I said as I almost started crying. I quickly wiped my tears because I didn't want to ruin my makeup and because I haven't seen Logan yet. My mother came inside a few minutes later. 

Mom: Oh my goodness. Where did the time go? My little girl is all grown up now and is getting married. 

You: I know right mom. But I don't want to cry again. 

Mom:You're right sweetie, I'll hurry up and take my seat out there. I love you and your going to make a good wife.

You: Thank you mom.

I smiled as she left out looking at me in awe one last time. 

It was now time for me to walk out so I slowly walked down the aisle holding up my dress in the front.  I looked at Logan and saw him crying as he stared at me. I loved his outfit and I couldn't hold back my tears either. When I reached him, I grabbed his hands and he gave me a lovingly stare. 

Logan: I love you so much. The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I had to make you mine. Even though I couldn't get the words out in front of you because I was so nervous, I knew that I would eventually tell you how much I appreciated you. I am so happy that you chose me back then because I don't know what I would do without you. I love you forever, my princess.

He says smiling as tears came down his eyes. I wiped his tears as I also smiled. 

You:When I first saw you that day, I knew that you were the one for me considering the fact that I couldn't get you out of my mind. No matter how many times you couldn't get your words out, I knew that once I heard what you had to say, all my worries would come to an end which I feel like happened. I love you forever and ever my love, thank you for choosing me. 

Marriage Officiate: I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride. 

He gave me the most loving kiss I have ever felt. I love him so much.

~End Of Flashback~

I heard the key to the door opening and that took me out of my thoughts. I saw Logan come in happy and because I thought of our wedding day, I almost forgot I was mad at him. 

Logan: BABE! I have wonderful news

I rolled my eyes as he jetted over to me to tell me...

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