Love Letter

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I woke up to Logan staring at me in our new house. When I look back on all the things that we've been through, everything was worth it. I realized that me being young and naive, I trusted too easily especially to a guy like Lance. Having Logan here with me this entire time with me proves his love and affection for me. I will never doubt him ever again because I still remember everything he felt for me going through his letters. Both me and Logan graduated from High School and we now live together. He made sure to hold onto to me especially after we graduated. 


We were at the restaurant after he proposed to me. He put the ring on my finger and I felt truly overjoyed but a thought came rushing to my mind.

You: Babe, do you think it's too early to get married now?

Logan: Why do you ask that?

You: Only because we haven't graduated yet. 

Logan: Don't babe, if you want to wait till after we graduate then we will do just that. 

I smiled holding onto his hand tightly. 

You: I love you. 

Logan: I love you too.

~End Of Flashback~

Logan: Babe? What are you thinking about so hard about?

You: Just about everything I overcame especially having you there by my side.

 He gave me a kiss on my forehead. 

Logan: I hope to give you nothing but happy moments and memories so that you won't dwell on the bad that has happened. 

I held him tight. 

You: It's always been you. I truly appreciate everything you've done for me. Like I said in our wedding vows. I still can't believe I'm a married woman. 

I said smiling and giggling. I felt him hold me back tighter. 


Ever since our wedding, I've been getting major calls about job offers lately. There's nothing better than having a good job to support us as we live on. I just feel like none of the one's that has been presented is the right one for me and I can wait until I feel one that speaks to me. I know that my wife suffered so much in high school and I will make sure she won't feel that way ever again. I will do my best to make sure she won't leave my sight ever again. It was night time and I decided to have movie night with Rachel. We sat back on our cozy couch and put on a movie on the big screen. I brought out popcorn, chocolate, pizza, and soda and we snuggled up together. As we watched the movie, I got a email notification asking if I ever wanted to be a singer. I thought about it. I feel like in high school I haven't had the chance to see what I wanted to do so I wouldn't mind giving it a try. I'll see what my wife has to say about it.

Logan: Hey babe?

You: Yeah?

Logan: Do you think I would be a good singer if I decided to get into singing?

You: I never heard you sing before. I feel like I should hear you sing first before I make a decision. 

I paused the movie and looked at her. 

Logan: And I just call it like I see it and I'm liking what I'm seeing in you. Oh yeah.

She got wide eyes. 

You: Where were you hiding all this talent before? Oh you got this babe.

I smiled. 

Logan: Thank you babe. You really think I can do it?

She nodded and smiled. 

You: With your voice plus you're writing, I believe you're going to be on top. 

I smiled and held her tight. My wife believes I'm going to be a star so I shall make her proud...

Love Letter Part 2 Whose Letters? (A Logan Story)Where stories live. Discover now