Part 11

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The necklace finally got here and I made sure to slowly walk into the bedroom. I saw that babe was still asleep and I wanted to be as discreet as possible. I slowly opened the closet door and looked for the box. I saw it on the shelf and I opened it up. I took out the necklace and replaced it with the one I brought. When I compared them both, mine looked more expensive and elegant. Perfect for my princess. I put the other necklace in my pocket and slowly walked out of the closet. When I got out of the room, I went downstairs and made her breakfast. I put everything I made on a tray and brought it to her. 

Logan: Babe?

I said slowly shaking her awake. She turned around and looked at me smiling. 

Logan: Good morning, my princess. I made you breakfast.

You: Good morning baby, thank you so much.

I leaned over the tray and gave her a kiss. She then turned to the food and started eating. 

You: So what do you have planned for the day?

Logan: I feel like we haven't had any fun with each other in a while. Even though we have our little fun times in the house, I feel like we haven't actually been out having fun together.

You: I agree, I do feel like we stay cooped up inside a lot. 

Logan: Sounds good to me.

You: Should we invite some friends? Like a double date?

Logan: Oh yeah I can invite James, I think he has a special someone. 

You: Sounds good to me babe. 

She says smiling. I gave her another kiss and got up off the bed. 

You: You're done eating already?

Logan: No, I'm going to call James to see if he wants to come with us. 

You: Oh okay, I'll try to save you some food. 

I smiled and walked to the bathroom. I called James and luckily he answered. 

James: Hello?

Logan: Hey man, my wife and I wants to have a double date today. How does that sound?

James: Well, me and Traci still haven't went out on that date yet so this should be the perfect time. What place did you have in mind?

Logan: We were thinking 'Fun Ball'. That's a fun place where you can shoot each other with paint guns, play adult tag, and even jumping on trampolines. 

James: Man that sounds like major fun, it makes me want to be a kid again. 

Logan: I know right. We're going to leave at 2pm, are you in?

James: For sure count me in. I'm going to ask Traci how she feels about it. 

Logan: Okay man keep me posted, we'll meet you there before 2.

James: Okay cool. 

I hung up and walked out of the bathroom. The tray was empty and Rachel was looking at me guilty.

You: I'm sorry babe, I ate everything up.

Logan: That's okay babe, just know I'm going to get you back at 'Fun Ball'  today. 

You: Oooh I'm so scared. 

She said in a mocking tone. 

Logan: Okay. 

Love Letter Part 2 Whose Letters? (A Logan Story)Where stories live. Discover now