Part 17

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I talked with Logan and he was making sure I felt better, I didn't know that even though he went through damage himself that he only made time for me. That made me love him more. 

You: Okay babe, I am feeling a little tired.

Logan: Get your rest baby. You're going to need all of it. 

He said as he rubbed my face and smiling. I closed my eyes and felt him holding my hand. I then heard someone come into the room, I was trying to sleep so I didn't pay that much attention to it.

Logan: Hey Steven. Thanks for coming to check on my wife.

Steven: No problem, the fact that this happened really didn't sit right with me. How is she?

I feel like I heard this voice before but I don't know where. I don't even know why I got that feeling.

Logan: She's okay, she's asleep right now so I don't think she will be able to thank you herself.

Steven: It's okay, if you want me to I can wait outside.

I decided to open my eyes to see who Logan was talking too, that's when I saw his face and I couldn't believe my eyes. It's Lance... The same Lance that buried me from high school, the one that's obsessed with me. I felt really crazy.

Logan: It's no problem to wait with me. I think...

You: LANCE?!!

Logan came over to me. My voice was really loud and I didn't need to take in a deep breath.

Logan: Babe? Are you okay?

I tried to talk again but this time I needed air. I took in a deep breath.

You: That's Lance!

Logan: Who is Lance?

You: From High School!

Logan: Babe, that's not Lance. He's our director.

I shook my head because he was standing there giving me a death stare. 

Steven: Maybe, I should get going.

Logan: I'll see you later.

Logan turned back to me but seeing him again really brought back all the memories I once felt especially getting buried alive.

Logan: Baby, please calm down I don't want your pressure to go up.

I took in a deep breath then tried to calm down.

You: That's Lance, I saw him clearly.

Logan: What? What are you talking about?

You: The one that buried me!

Logan: I thought we were past that. 

Tears started to come down my face, it was like Logan wasn't trying to hear what I was trying to tell him which really made me sad. 

Logan: Baby, please...

I took in another deep breath because I did feel that my pressure was starting to go up. 

You: Please... Leave me alone for a minute. 

I needed to clear my head and think if I was actually going crazy or if I was really seeing this guy.

Logan: Okay... I'll leave you alone. 

He says leaving the room. I couldn't believe that he wouldn't even consider my side of the story though. How could you do this to me? You said you would do anything for me. You said you loved me so why am I getting a different side to you? I decided to calm down and stop thinking about it and I closed my eyes. I then heard my door open and I thought it was Logan. I decided to keep my eyes closed so I can at least feel his hand and his explanation to why he didn't believe me. Something told me to open my eyes a little, I saw Lance standing next to me  sticking something into my I.V. back. All of a sudden, I felt huge pain in my head and I felt blood rushing out of my nose, I even felt my body start moving uncontrollably then everything went black...

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