Part 18

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No one makes my wife sad and gets away with it! I was now determined to find out who this man is. I decided to call Fred to see if I could get anymore information on him. Luckily he answered.

Fred: Hello? Logan? Man how are you feeling?

Logan: Hey man, I'm okay. Can you do me a favor?

Fred: Sure after what happened to you, anything.

Logan: Can you look more into Steven?

Fred: The director? Why do you ask?

Logan: Something didn't seem right with how everything went with the concert and I think he had something to do with it. 

Fred: Okay, but it sounds strange that he would be behind something like that. He has the credentials to be a director so I don't know what the problem is. 

Logan: I just don't trust him. Did you do a background check on him?

Fred: That information is completely confidential.

Logan: Okay keep me updated please. For my wife's sake. 

I heard him sigh on the other side. 

Fred: Okay Logan. I wish your wife a speedy recovery. 

Logan: Thank you. 

I hung up then saw the doctor come back to me. 

Doctor: She has woken up. I have noticed that some strange color was in her I.V. bag. Do you know anything about this?

Logan: No. I was taken out when I noticed she was shaking. 

Doctor: I will investigate but I gave her a fresh I.V. with her proper medicine. It should be safe to see her now. 

I nodded. How could her medicine bag be a different color? I thought as I walked inside her room. I saw her laying in the hospital bed and I felt extremely apologetic. I walked up to her and grabbed her hand. 

Logan: Rachel? Are you okay?

When she saw me, I saw tears form in her eyes again. I couldn't help myself, I broke down.

Logan: Baby, I'm so sorry for everything. I must have been crazy not to believe every word you said. Never will I have you feel abandoned again. I'm so sorry. 

I said as so many tears came down my eyes and my head down. I then felt her hand on my face. I looked up at her and she was looking at me with the breathing machine on again. I wiped her tears and gave her a kiss on her forehead. 

Logan: I love you so much, nothing is going to stop me from gathering all the evidence on this man. 

She wasn't responding like she did before and I almost became concerned but I stopped and stared into her eyes and it calmed me down again. I feel that she really trust me and that she was telling me she loved me from the look in her eyes. I then got a call from Fred which took me from her. I gave her a kiss on the forehead again.

Logan: I'm going to put him in jail, you don't have to worry about him anymore. 

I said then got up and left to answer the phone. 

Logan: Hello?

Fred: I just found out something that I didn't pay attention too in the beginning. Steven's name didn't come up when I typed in his social security number only someone name Lance Steve. 

Logan: But during the hiring process, didn't you ask for all our social security numbers?

Fred: Yes, but corporate was supposed to do a back ground check on you guys. I guess they didn't get to him. 


Fred: Logan calm down. I will contact the police and they will have him in jail. 

Logan: That's not enough for me...

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