Part 9

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When I came home from rehearsal, Rachel came up to me and gave me a huge bear hug. We even fell to the floor together. She was so excited and I was confused and curious to see why she was so happy. 


She says kissing me all over the place. I was confused because I didn't understand what she was thanking me for. 

Logan: Babe, let's do this slowly.

I said grabbing her waist and getting us up off of the floor. 

You: I can't believe you got me this expensive necklace. It's so beautiful. I'm going to wear it at the concert. 

Necklace? I never sent her a necklace, but she looks so happy I didn't want be the author of bad news. She gave me a passionate kiss and a loving hug, while I was looking crazy the entire time. Who could have sent my wife a diamond necklace? It's not like I can't get this for her myself but the fact that someone else sent her this is crazy right now. 

You: Babe?

She snapped me out of my thoughts and I answered her. 

You: Are you okay?

I nodded. 

Logan: I wanted you to have the best items as you are in the V.I.P section. Everyone is going to notice you. The only thing is that you can't come with me. You would have to get there separately. 

You: Okay babe. Thank you so much. I love you. 

She gave me another kiss and I held her close. 

Logan: You are the only one that is meaningful in my life, without you I wouldn't be who I am today.

You: Do you really mean that babe?

Logan: Every word. I love you so much.


Everything was perfect. This new job allowed me to get paid $45 a hour. This got me enough to move out of my current apartment to a better one. I even had enough to get some furniture. That's when I thought about Rachel and everything we used to go through. I just can't stop loving her so I'm going to get her something. It'll please me to see her wearing things I brought her. I got online and saw this beautiful diamond necklace and because I now have Logan's address, I can send this straight to her. I placed the order and left a note, I made sure she thought it was from Logan because if I would have told her it was from me, she would have rejected me. I will make sure to have you because you are still the love of my life. Forever with you my love.


I don't know why but Logan didn't seem as happy when I told him about the necklace. Why am I getting this feeling? Maybe it's nothing. I probably shouldn't worry about it since he knows. I'm going to make sure to stay positive and be there for my husband, he means the world to me.

Logan: Hey babe?

He called my name breaking me out of my thoughts. 

You: Yeah babe?

Logan: Can I see how the necklace would look on you?

You: Okay. 

I said excited. I quickly ran to the bathroom and put it on, then I came back to him.

You: How do I look?

Logan: Beautiful as ever baby. I love you. 

You: I love you too. 

I said coming up to him and kissing him passionately. I put the necklace back in the box then placed it on the shelf in the closet. I can't wait till Wednesday...

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