Part 13

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When I got to the studio, I saw the guys there along with Fred and Steven.

Fred: Hey everyone so today is the big day! How do you all feel about today?

Logan: I'M EXCITED! 


Carlos: I'M PUMPED!


Fred: THAT'S THE SPIRIT! So the bus is on the way. You guys will practice one last time on stage before the show since it starts at 5pm. 

I nodded as I got ready for the bus.

Fred: Oh and you all will have a makeup artist and stylist to get you guys ready for the show. 

Kendall: This is awesome. I can't wait. 

Steven: This is going to be amazing guys, I even have a little trick for you to pull while on stage. 

James: Okay, I'm kind of excited to see what it is. 

Steven: You'll see since the bus just pulled up. Let's go! 

When we saw the bus it was big with all our faces on it. This really is going to be amazing. When we got to the venue, I really saw how much adrenaline I would have since it's really so many people going to be there. 

Steven: Okay guys. Here is what I wanted to show you. Before you get close to the mics, I want you too spin before going up close to them. Make sure you're in position. 

I walked up to the mic but not too close and spinned. 

Logan: How was that?

Steven: Could be better Logan. 

Carlos: What about this?

Steven: You see how Carlos just did that? Follow him and you won't go wrong. 

I don't know what this guy's problem is with me but whatever since our show is tonight I won't even think about it that much. Once it was time for us to go to the dressing rooms, I remembered the cuff my wife gave me. I put on my outfit for the show and put on the cuff. This cuff is special to me and just looking at it made me excited to perform again. I looked at the guys then we got ready to go on stage. I saw the lights go dim from reflection of the lights behind me. I then heard the entire crowd scream for us. It really felt good. I got a sudden rush of adrenaline and started performing. We turned around and it was time for us to sing. The crowd got louder as we all started singing. We started with our newest song called 'I Know You Know'  this was my favorite because it reminded me of the happy times I spent with Rachel and to see her staring at me so lovingly gave me more confidence. I felt like I was performing for her and her only. 

Logan: I know you know I got your pumping. We're like two of a kind, so let's party like it's 99.

I then heard her scream my name saying that she loves me. I smiled as I went back to my position and grabbed the stool. It was now time for me to perform in front of everyone. 

James: Wait a minute, before you tell anything how was your day, cause I been missing...

Logan,Carlos&Kendall: You by my side. Yeah.

Logan: It ani't easy going from city to city just get up and go.

Kendall: The show must go on so I need you to be strong.

They all then came to the front.

Carlos: I-I-I'm never..Never.

BTR: Never far away as it may seem.

James: No never.

Carlos: Soon we'll be together.

James: We'll pick up where we left off. Paris, London, Tokyo. There's just one thing that I gotta do.

BTR: Hello. Tuck you in every night on the phone. Hello. Tuck you in every night.

James: And I can hardly take another goodbye. Baby won't be long. You're the one that I'm waiting on.

BTR: Hello. Tuck you in every night on the phone, Woah.

Logan: Girl, I'll be thinking about you worldwide, worldwide, worldwide. Girl, I'll be thinking about you worldwide, worldwide, worldwide.

As I was singing, I felt a wave of emotions from this song. It made me think about what could happen with us if I do go on the road and have to leave her. I didn't want to cry on stage so I tried to let it go. All of a sudden I didn't see Rachel in her seat anymore and I felt the stage falling where I was sitting. All of a sudden the place where I was sitting collapsed and I fell on my back hitting the side of my head really hard. I heard the crowd gasp and all of sudden start screaming in terror. I quickly got up and tried to lift myself out of the hole, I realized that the guys were helping me get out of the hole. 

James: Are you okay Logan?! 

He asked in panic.

Kendall: You're head... It's bleeding!

Logan:Don't worry... 

I looked around and saw that everyone was gone out of the building, it was nothing but scattered chairs, that's when I noticed a person on the ground. I looked harder and saw the necklace that I gave Rachel. I quickly got up and ran over to the person on the ground. It was Rachel. She had dirty foot prints all over her. I panicked.

Logan:CALL 911! 

I screamed with tears coming down my face. She didn't even look like the same person. She looked like she's been stepped on and skin turned another blue. 

Logan:How could this have happened? I'm so sorry baby. 

I said crying as I rubbed her hair. I slowly picked her body up off the ground and held her in my arms. I then felt the guys pull me off of the floor. 

Carlos: We have to get out of here!

Logan:But I... I...

I couldn't even think anymore, the woman I loved was laying here unresponsive. I didn't know how to handle that, all of a sudden everything went black...

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