Part 15

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The doctor came outside of the room with me explaining everything that happened. 

Doctor: She will need to be in a cast, since 5 of her ribs gotten broken. 

I stopped in my tracks. 

Logan: They nearly crushed her... 

I said almost about to cry again.

Doctor: That's true but remember she has woken up and the surgery was successful.

I nodded as we got to her door. I took in a deep breath then walked inside. I saw her looking around the room. Our eyes met as I got closer and I couldn't hold my tears back anymore they just came pouring out.

Logan: Baby... 

I said holding her hand tight. I saw even she had tears coming down her eyes, but because she was on a breathing machine. I don't think she could talk. I saw her in a cast the doctor was talking about and it broke my heart again. I saw her slowly lift up her breathing pad off of her mouth.

You: I... Love... You...

I saw that it was hard for her to say that. 

Logan: I love you too baby, but don't talk right now it's okay. 

I said rubbing her face as I wiped her tears. I let her know that I wasn't going anywhere. It has been 2 weeks that has passed and Rachel have been talking and getting better. 

Logan: Are you sure you don't need the breathing machine?

She nodded as she took it off. She has been taking a lot of deep breaths in before she talks lately. 

You: I think I can go without it. 

Logan: It might take a little longer for you to get out of the cast. 

She took in a deep breath.

You: It'll be okay. 

She says smiling. I gave her a kiss. 

Logan: I'm finally discharged out of my room. I've been begging the doctor to let me come stay with you. 

She smiled then took in a deep breath.

You:What about your head?

She took in another deep breath.

You: Are you sure you're okay?

Logan: Yes babe. The doctor said that my wound will go away in the next few weeks and to keep it patched up. 

She smiled again. I rubbed her face. Anything for you my sweetheart. 


Everything did not go as I planned. Logan was supposed to die in that incident not Rachel almost dying! Even so seeing her smile at Logan as he sang is what pissed me off. I saw that she wasn't even wearing the necklace I bought for her. That made me pull the trigger to the stage collapsing. I wonder why the stage didn't kill him though. I kept trying to figure that out before even thinking about showing my face to Logan again. I don't even think the stage collapsed the way I envisioned it either. Now I have to make up an excuse to what actually happened. Fred called me trying to understand what happened. I told him everything that I remembered leaving out the part that it was me. They will never figure it out either. I decided to go to the hospital today to try to check on Rachel, I needed to see how bad did she get hurt. When I got there, I saw Logan there with her. I walked inside. 

Logan: Hey Steven. Thanks for coming to check on my wife. 

Steven: No problem, the fact that this happened really didn't sit right with me. How is she?

Logan: She's okay, she's asleep right now so I don't think she will be able to thank you herself. 

Steven: It's okay, if you want me to I can wait outside. 

Logan: It's no problem to wait with me. I think...

You: LANCE?!!...

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