Part 4

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You: What's the good news?

Logan: Babe! I just got signed to a singing group!

You: Really?

I asked surprised. I didn't think he would take this singing thing so seriously. Maybe it's his calling.

Logan: Yes babe and the best part is that James will be in the group.

You: James from high school?

Logan: James from high school babe. 

You: Wow, I haven't heard from him in a while. I kind of wonder how he's doing.

Logan: He says he's doing much better since he broke up with Angela. He says when he was in high school, he thought she was the one but it turns out they just wasn't compatible so they went their separate ways before graduation.

You: Are we the only couple that stayed together and even got married?

Logan: I believe so. 

I gave him a hug.

You: I am so proud of you babe. 

Logan: Thank you babe. 

He says holding me back tight. 

Logan: We are going to have our first studio session tomorrow. Hopefully we get along in the group so that we could perform on stage.

You: I know you guys got this for sure. 

Logan: Really babe? You really believe in us?

You: Of course I believe in you guys, especially you babe. You are a star. 

I said smiling. He gave me a passionate kiss and I didn't want him to pull away. 


My sweetheart, what would I do without you? The next day came around quick and I headed off to the studio. When I got there, I saw everyone preparing to go inside the booth.

Logan: Hey guys.

James: What's up bro? 

Logan: Nothing much. I just want to say I'm really happy to have you in this group with me.

James: Me too man. I meant to ask you yesterday, are you and Rachel still together?

Logan: Yeah. We actually got married after the high school graduation.

James: Really? Man I'm sorry I couldn't be there, I had so much going on around that time. 

I nodded.

Logan: I understand, just make sure to invite me when you find that special one. 

I smiled. 

James: Will do bro.

Fred: Alright guys it's time to record your first song. The name of the song is called 'Big Time'.

Logan: What about the name of the group? What's our name?

Fred: You guys can come up with that.

Kendall: I like Big Rush.

Carlos: How about Big Team Rush.

James: Maybe Bigger Rush?

Logan: Big Time Rush?

Everyone looked at me and smiled as they nodded. 

Fred: Then it's settled. Big Time Rush it is. Let's now Live it Big Time!

I went inside the studio feeling a rush of adrenaline and I haven't even made it on stage yet, this is going to be amazing. 


After graduation, my life just started going down hill. I couldn't get a job anywhere and I couldn't have the girl that I loved. What is the point of living if things turn out like this? It's not like I haven't gotten my grades up ever since high school, things are just not looking good for me. I sat on my couch and flipped through the channels. I stopped when I saw a commercial of this group called Big Time Rush and I saw Logan's face. I couldn't believe that he was now on top and I was sitting here feeling like this. You know what? I just thought of plan, maybe he can get me out of this misery I'm going through...

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