Part 21

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Final Part


It felt like a dream that what happened to me wasn't real. I actually almost left the person that meant the most to me. She is forever the one that I will live for. 

I'm sorry Rachel, I shouldn't have gone after him like that. I should have stayed by your side. I just hope that you can forgive me. 

I wrote in a letter to remind her that I still write like this while I was in the hospital. She didn't even know that I had went through this but I will make sure she knows that I'm okay and I am nothing without her.

Logan: Can you give this letter to Rachel?

I asked James. Theses guys really are true best friends. I never thought they would care so much for me like they did.

James: Sure thing bro. I just have a question.

Logan: Go ahead.

James: Will you ever sing again?

Logan: I don't know man, this literally almost killed me.

James: Well I know now that you can't trust everyone and if I were you, I'd have a body guard. 

I thought about what he said, maybe I do need extra protection of my surroundings. It's been a month and Rachel finally has gotten better. She was walking around and even talking without taking any deep breaths before speaking. She has really improved, it just that I was still recovering from the infected wound. I had to patch it up everyday and make sure that I didn't put any pressure on it. Rachel convinced the doctors to let her take care of me at our house and they agreed. She has been by my side ever since she found out about me almost dying and she was still in her healing phase at the hospital. She says that hearing that news made her want to get better faster. She has been showing me so much love and she didn't want me to work in an environment where I would end up this way. For her, she really wanted me to be by her side forever, but I felt that singing was calling me back. 

Logan: Babe?

You: Yeah sweetie?

Logan: We should move from this area.

You: I agree. A new space would give us a clearer picture. 

Logan: Babe when we get there, do you think I should still sing?

You: If singing is your passion, I say go for it but recover first so that you could give it your all. I do feel like we are unsafe though.

Logan: What if I got a body guard to help protect us better?

You: That sounds good babe. I feel like we wouldn't have to worry so much. 

I nodded then gave her a kiss. It has always been you. 

Logan: Oh yeah, I got a surprise for you. 

You: Really?

I pulled out a box. She opened it up and got wide eyes. 

You: Oh my god babe! 

She says excited as she grabs the necklace out of the box. 

Logan: I found your necklace back at the venue and decided to get it upgraded. You deserve everything my love. 

Tears formed in her eyes as she put it on. She then leaned over and gave me a kiss. 

You: I love you so much! Thank you for coming into my life without you I wouldn't be where I am today. 

Logan: Same here baby. 

I said holding her close. Forever with you, Forever us two.


 I found out that the police finally found Lance and that he was in jail for life. He really tried to end us both for his personal greed. If I had learned anything from this experience is to follow your first mind and that nothing will be able to tear me and Logan a part. We will continue to thrive and be together forever and because we finally have extra protection, never again will we allow anyone to get close to us again. 

The End. 

Thank you for reading. I hope everyone enjoyed the story. :)

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