Part 20

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It was around 10pm when Fred called me panicking. 


James: Whoa Fred. What's the matter?


I got up out of the bed. 

James: WHAT?! 

Fred: There is no time, I think he went to Steven's house!

James: Okay. Tell me the details. 

I said as I got dressed and putting on my shoes. 

Fred: He found out that Steven is really some guy whose been obsessed with his wife since high school.

James: What? Are you telling me that Steven is actually Lance from Kane High?

Fred: Yeah. Corporate failed to do a background check. I think Logan did one himself and went to his house!

James: Okay, call the police and I'll get the rest of the guys. 

Fred: Okay. I hope nothing happened to Logan.

James: Don't say things you're not sure about. Okay, I gotta go I'll talk to you later. 

Fred: Okay. 

I hung up and tried to leave in a rush when I heard Traci's voice. 

Traci: Babe?

James: I'm sorry babe, Logan may be in danger. I have to do something. 

Traci: What? When did you become his keeper?

I didn't have time to explain to her what our friendship meant so I just ended up leaving. I heard her calling my name but I had to see what was going on. I called the guys up and told them to meet me at Lance's house. When I got there, I saw them at his door.

James: Hey, I'm sorry guys I know it's late but we have to figure what happened with Logan. 

Kendall: I can't believe he has a stalker. 

Carlos: Me neither, let's go inside and see what we can find. 

We walked inside and looked everywhere. I was about to go upstairs when I spotted blood in the living room.

James: GUYS! Over here. 

They came over to where I was and saw the blood as well. 

Kendall: What if Lance killed him? 

James: Don't say things you're not sure of yet, we have to keep looking. 

Carlos: There's a trail. 

We followed the trail and it stopped outside. Why is it out here? That's when I noticed something shining in the ground. I walked over to it and started digging it up. I then saw a hand. 

James: AHH! 

Kendall: What's wrong?

James: This just scared me.

Carlos: Wait that's the cuff Rachel got for Logan!

We all went over to the ground and continued digging then pulled his body out of the ground. I couldn't believe he was buried in Lance front yard. 


I couldn't even think straight that this happened to my best friend. I called them and they said they were on their way. I walked back over to Logan and saw that he was still bleeding. 

Kendall: Cover his wound. 

I tore off a piece of my shirt and wrapped it around him. Don't worry Logan you will not suffer anymore. The ambulance finally pulled up and put him in the back of the truck, I tried to get inside but they stopped me. 

Carlos: He needs to go with him, he found him. 

They let me go inside and Carlos said they will follow behind them. They put him on a heart machine and I saw that his heart was still beating on the machine. All of a sudden, his heart line went flat and the nurse grabbed the shock machine. She shocked him once but he didn't come back. She shocked him again and still nothing. By this time I was now crying. 

James: Come on Logan, come back to your wife!

I said feeling hurt. The nurse shocked him again.

Nurse: CLEAR!

All of a sudden his heart started beating again on the monitor and I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. My best friend literally died before my eyes... When we got to the hospital, we had to wait in the waiting room. I didn't know how to feel as the guys were trying to get me to tell them what happened.

James:He died right in front of my eyes....

Kendall: How can you say that when you don't know for sure?

James: I.. I... I'm traumatized. 

That's when the doctor came to us. 

Doctor: The surgery was successful on Logan. Because he was in the ground for some time, dirt got into his wound and it got infected. We were able to revive him and bring him back. Don't worry about a thing you guys he's going to be just fine. Give him a couple days to wake up, he's in a shock phase coma. 

I dropped back into my seat when I heard that he is actually alive. I felt a huge sign of relief. The question is how are we going to relay this news to Rachel?...

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