Part 14

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When I woke up I saw that I was in the hospital. I felt my forehead shoot with pain. I must have hit my head. 

Logan: What happened?

I asked then looked around. I saw Fred and the guys. 

Carlos: Somehow the stage collapsed where you were sitting. 

Logan: Is this why I feel the pain in my head?

Kendall: Yeah. Are you okay? You don't look so good.

Logan: I feel fine. 

James: Even after you passed out?

Logan: Why did I pass out?

Carlos: You saw your wife on the ground.

Then everything came flooding back to me. Rachel...

I got up immediately trying to go to my wife. I then saw Fred pushing me back to the bed.

Fred: You have to lay here because of what happened. We have to make sure you're okay. 

Logan: I need to see how my wife is doing! 

Fred: I understand but you can't leave right now. 

I sat back on the bed and tears formed in my eyes.

Logan: This is all my fault. She would never be in this position if it wasn't for me. 

James: Man don't blame yourself. An unexpected accident occurred. 

Logan: And because of that accident it caused my wife to get hurt. 

I put my hands on my face. 

James: Listen, I want you to not blame yourself this was not your fault. Go to your wife and let her know that you love her, that's the most important. 

Fred: We can't just let him leave.

James: He's not leaving. He's going to check on the one that's in his heart. I know that if I would have seen Traci like that, I would have done the same. 

I smiled. Fred waved his hand like he wanted me to go. I slowly got up.

Logan: What's her room number?

James: 2 doors down from you. 

I walked to her room and slowly opened her door. When I saw her, she was hooked up to so many monitors but luckily her original color came back. She was blue when I first recognized her. I felt tears come up again and I rubbed her hair. 

Logan: Baby... If you can hear me, I know that you will come back to me. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I feel like this happened because of me but I came to tell you how much I love you. I still have on the cuff you got just for me. 

I said as I started crying hard now. I pulled up a chair and laid my head on her hand. 

Logan: I feel that you are still with me and no matter what I will take care of you. 

I took in a deep breath because I realized that my emotions was starting to get the best of me. I took another look at her but I didn't see the necklace. 

Logan: Where is your necklace baby? I saw it when I first noticed you...

I then felt James grab my arm and pull me up out of the chair. I broke down again. He took me out of her room and pulled me to the hallway. 

Love Letter Part 2 Whose Letters? (A Logan Story)Where stories live. Discover now