Chapter 13: Leadership

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Wraith's POV

"Whyyyyyyyyy?" Kid Flash whined.

I rolled my eyes as Robin ate the stolen bag of chips triumphantly.

"I'm testing your reflexes. You failed, so now you have to pay the price." Robin told him happily.

"That's not fairrrrrr!" He whined.

"We're approaching Santa Prisca." Miss. Martian said.

I snapped and made it look like Robin dropped the bag of chips and it slid far away from both of them.

They needed to focus on the mission now.

"Nice reflexes." Kid Flash smirked.

Robin glared, accidentally knocking over the real bag of chips.

I sighed. I would have to pick those up later.

By myself.

"Drop zone." Miss. Martian said.

Aqualad stood up, his seat melting behind him. He tapped his suit and it changed from orange to gray.

I looked down at my own suit and simply snapped, making myself invisible. I would not change to black. There was a reason I chose white and I will not stray from that decision.

The little things count.

He jumped out and moments later, his voice came over the comms.

"Heat and motion sensors patched. Data is now on a continuous loop. Move in." He informed us.

The ship flew to the island and Kid Flash and Miss. Martian changed into camouflage suits.

"Hey Supey, not to late to change to the new camo tech." Kid Flash told Superboy.

"No capes. No tights. No offense." He replied.

"Capes and tights are lame." I joked.

"They're useful. Like that hook you're supposed to be grabbing." Robin told me.

I rolled my eyes and jumped out, using my invisible cape as a parachute to the ground.

They landed around me moments later.

"Cloak: 1 Tights and Capes: 0." I smirked.

"I would be glaring at you if I knew where you were at." Kid Flash told me.

"She's right there." Superboy pointed at me.

"I was on your side!" I exclaimed.

"Rendezvous at my coordinates." Aqualad told us.

We nodded and began to go toward him. A few moments later, Superboy paused.

"Did you hear that?"

"Is this a super hearing thing?" Kid Flash asked him.

"What did it sound like?" I asked.

"A snap." He replied.

"Maybe a squirrel broke a branch." Miss. Martian suggested.

"Not that kind of snap." Superboy said, looking around before pausing again. "Where is Robin?"

"I hate it when he does that!" Kid Flash and I exclaimed simultaneously.

"Jinx." He winked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Superboy, Kid, switch to infrared. See if you're being tracked." Aqualad told them.

"A squad of bad guys incoming." Kid Flash replied moments after his goggles were on.

"Two. But they'll meet each other before us." Superboy added.

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