Chapter 21: Connections

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Wraith's POV

I looked at the two of them as they ran off into the swamp, followed by two dangerous villians.

"I won't let you down." I turned around and ran toward the base.

That was four of the six villians accounted for. Now I had to worry about the Joker and... the guy with the helmet that makes electricity. I mean, he makes it, not the helmet.

I looked at the building and pulled out a grappling hook, shooting around a vine that branched off and shot toward it before pulling out my newest weapon.

The big bomb present from Batman. Very nice.

More importantly, very explosive.

I connected it to the center and set a timer for 3 seconds before turning around and running across the dome, sliding down the side just as it went off.

"My babies!" Poison Ivy screeched, looking at me.

Oh, I guess I accidentally lost focus.

I yelped as a giant plant rose up next to me, but it quickly retreated as Wolf tackled her.

I gave him a smile and ran forward to join the others.

"Children spoiled our plan!?" Joker yelled from behind me.

I turned my head and saw him on the roof, next to electricity guy. What was his name!?

Looks like he isn't happy I forgot his name. He jumped off the roof and started shooting at me.

I lunged out of the way, snapping my fingers and turning invisible.

"I might not be able to see you, but the water has ripples!" He snarled, looking at the water and shooting.

I yelped and continued to run in circles around him, slowly closing in.

I snapped my fingers again and made the water rise up, covering my ripples and surrounding him.

"We have been warned about you! I will not fall for your tricks!" He said, turning his hands toward where I had been just seconds ago.

I smirked and smacked him on the back of the head with the butt of my grappling gun.

He collapsed.

I turned around and my eyes widened as I saw the Justice League flying in.

They surrounded the other villians, drawing them in a circle around my unconscious dude.

They raised their hands in surrender and Joker started laughing maniacally.

He raised his hands and typed, plants rising slightly and flowers bursted, making toxic fumes fill the air.

"Joker venom spores! Don't breathe!" Batman yelled, punching Joker and knocking him out.

Dr. Fate flew up, "Fear not!"

He made his symbol and the gas all flew up into it and disappeared.

After that, most of the League left, taking the villians away to be detained and to help with clean up in the affected cities.

As everyone spoke, I realized that Dr. Fate's host was Aqualad.

"How could you let him put on the helmet!? Now Kaldur will be stuck in it forever! He'll never let him go!" KF said, looking down.

If Dr. Fate didn't release Kaldur, him and I would have a long discussion. With a sledgehammer and not words. Well, I guess Megan would have to help me so that only Dr. Fate could "hear" our discussion.

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