Chapter 4: Secrets

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Madison's POV

"And the winner is...!"

I looked around at all of the drawings and frowned.

"Pick one!" "Come on!" "She's never gonna do it."
"We should have known better." "Please pick me!"

I sighed, "Guys, they all look really nice."

"But you have to like one of them better than the others." George whined.

"I do, I like Billy's the most, but-" I pretended to act like I didn't mean to say it and covered my mouth.

"Ha ha! I win!" Billy cheered.

Everyone looked at his drawing, "But it is a circle! With sticks coming out!"

"Yeah, and he is the only one who didn't draw me." I rolled my eyes.

"I drew a turtle. I'm special." Billy pretended to flip his hair.

Everyone laughed. The door swung open and I turned around to see the orphanage keeper coming through. He glared at us.

"Using up all of my paper again?" He asked in a rough voice.

I stood up, "No sir. We went and got our own from the store."

He frowned, "Mhp."

"Do you need something?" Jack asked him.

"Yeah. I've got a reporter coming here for maybe a week. All of you better act good when he's around." He told us.

Jack and I nodded, "We will."


He turned around and closed the door behind him.

"Scrooge." Jack whispered to me and I stiffled a laugh.

I felt someone tug at my sleeve and I looked down.

"Yes, Laura?" I asked.

"Is Mr. Riven going to kill Mr. Kent?" She asked.

I sputtered, "What?"

"Mr. Kent. The reporter from the Daily Planet?" She asked.

"Um, no. But, how do you know who the reporter is?" She asked.

"Because he's outside, talking to Mr. Riven about his work." She told me.

Jack walked over to the window and paused, "Well, she's right..."

I gave Laura a look, "Why do you think Mr. Riven is going to kill him?"

"Because he is thinking about it." Laura told me.

I looked at Jack. He raised his eyebrows. I nodded toward the door and he went over.

"Well, guys, let's go say 'hi' to Mr. Kent then, shall we?" I asked.

They all nodded and stood up, following Jack. I was the caboose and once everyone was through the door, I snapped my fingers to make the papers on the floor disappear.


I closed the door and followed everyone to the main room, where Mr. Kent and Mr. Riven were talking. Mr. Kent looked over and we made eye contact.

He looked familiar.

He frowned for a moment before turning to look at the other children and then Mr. Riven.

"So, tell me everything. What happens on a normal day here?" The reporter asked before pulling out a notebook.

"Oh, ask the kids. I'm sure Jack and Madison would be excited to explain everything." Mr. Riven said before looking at us pointedly.

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