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Chapter 28 is the same as 27 but in Lorenzo's point of view. Trust me you need this so chapter 29 will make sense. And this chapter is super, super short.


"Don't worry about it, Linda. I'll go... for lunch." I hear Amora say before there was silence again.

I open the bathroom door and right away notice Amora rolling her eyes.

I didn't hear much of the conversation she had.

But I heard a fair amount to the point of she doesn't want to tell me anything, I'll still have a general idea.

"Is everything okay?" I ask her

"Fine. Everything is fine." Amora mumbles before walking into the bathroom a little pissed.

I don't know why but I feel Kai has something to do with this.

I grab my phone and dial Domenico's number.

I wait as it rings. I pace back and forth. "About time fucker." I roll my eyes.

"Sorry." He scoffs.

"Are you busy?" I make sure.

"Not really." He replies.

"Good. I need you to do a favour for me." I start off.

I turn back and make sure Amora was still in the bathroom. I don't hear the water running. So just in case I switch over to Italian.

"darai un avvertimento a qualcuno per mio conto.(you're going to give someone a warning on my behalf.)" I tell Domenico.

"Oh shit. I'm excited! And your speaking Italian makes shit even more exciting." Domenico goes on. "Let me guess for Amora?" He teases.

"Shut up." I mutter.

Yes. Of course.

No fucking shit.

"ti mando il file dei ragazzi Manda alcuni uomini ad avvertirlo.(I'm sending you the guy's file. Send a few men over to warn him.)" I say.

"Aw man, I don't get to do the beating. That shits not fair." Domenico scoffs.

"hai intenzione di farlo? o dovrei farlo da solo?(are you going to get it done? or should I do it myself?)" I snap.

"Geez. Fine, I'll get it done." Domenico says.

I hang up the phone. And send all the information about Kai over. I sat down on Amora's bed as I wait.

Soon enough she opens the door and she just stands there glancing over at me. "Amora. I hope you know you can talk to me." I say.

I want her to open up to me. I want her to talk to me about her problems.

Amora sighs out. "I know. I'm sorry." She says, walking up to me."Linda called. Sam's and Kai's mom." She starts off.

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