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Disclaimer: I don't speak Italian all my words and sentences are from Google translate.

I began fiddling around with my rings as we approach the airport. I lied to him and he knew I did, fuck.

He's definitely hurt that I did.

I love him so much, I should have told him the truth in the first place. Lorenzo puts my hand into his,

"are you okay? You look a little pale, Mi Amor." He asks me.

"Fine. I'm fine, don't worry." I smile. Lorenzo checks his watch real quick,

"we still have 20 minutes before we're able to board." Lorenzo says.

Why does that matter it's literally a fucking private jet?

"Domenico will take you inside to a private sitting area, there are multiple fast food places inside if you're hungry." Lorenzo tells me.

"And where are you going, Lori?" I say to him, Lorenzo chuckles.

"A little bit of work, gorgeous." He explains. We get out of his car and I notice Domenico standing there waiting, I walk over to him and we enter into the private area Lorenzo was talking about.

"You hungry?" I ask Domenico,

"no, I'm not." He says.

"Hmm? Okay." I say.

There are too many options but at the end of the time, I decided to get some Subway. And now we are sitting on a patio backing while I eat my Subway and Domenico is drinking his coffee.

"Um. Amora just so you know." He starts. "Lorenzo's life in Italy is definitely different than it is here." Domenico explains,

"I mean yeah? Why wouldn't it be." I say before taking a bite.

"No. I mean yes you're not wrong." He says "but, Lorenzo's life is much more luxurious than it is here. He has a huge estate back home, Amora." He says.

"he has thousands and thousands of bodyguards, he has cooks, cleaners," Domenico goes on.

"Why are you telling me these things? I'm not using Lorenzo for his shit." I roll my eyes.

"I know, but here Lorenzo- that's not what I mean Amora. It's just- I'm just saying that his behaviour might change since he's back to being on top in Italy." Domenico goes on.

"He's the biggest man there. He has people to do his shit." He finishes.

There was a moment of silence before I broke it off, "so you're saying that Lorenzo is going to change into a totally different person?" I ask sarcastically.

"Forget I said anything." He brings his hands up.

"Oh trust me I will," I say finishing up my subway sandwich. I feel someone tap the back of my chair and I turn around, "

ready to go Mi Amor?" Lorenzo asks.

Oh shit-

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