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As a Christmas gift to you all, I'm posting not one but two chapters:)

I look at my outfit one more time as I impatiently wait for Sam and her brother to come and pick me up.

It's a thigh-length black dress. With sparkles everywhere. I even bought this cool spray that sprays fucking sparkles!

I did some on my chest and a little in my hair.

Don't ask.

I jump a little to the sound of the doorbell. From my room, I grab my heels and ran downstairs to open the door.

I open the door and notice Sam's brother. Kai.

He's pretty hot, not gonna lie. His 6'2 body leaning against the doorframe. "Hey, sweetheart." He winks at me.


he's gotten hotter.

I notice a few large tattoos on his arm, his hair soft-looking. "Good to see you." He smiles.

"Yeah... it's been a while." I say back. Him, I, and Sam. We were the shit. Nobody could separate us.

He is Sam's twin.

For those of you who don't know their both 21... yeah yeah odd.

I know. I know what you're thinking.

Sam and I met in 5th grade. How is she 21? Her parents use to be some big business people so Sam and Kai were pulled out of school.

They both were 13.

First hand embarrassment.

Shut up.

Stupid American school system.

Apparently their home-schooling didn't count.

"Well, I and Sam are waiting for you... so let's go." He tells me. I nod my head and walk over to the bottom of the staircases to put my heels on.

Kai. My childhood crush. I had the biggest crush on him. I get up from the staircase and grab my keys and my little purse for my things.

I walk over to the door, shutting it behind me and locking it. I turn around and face Kai. "Let's go." Kai points.

I nod my head and we head over to his car. I open the back seat door and hop in. "Hey, gorgeous." Sam says "hey." I say in a hush tone.

The drive wasn't too far, but it felt so fucking far only because I was nervous.

What if they notice I'm using a fake ID?

What if they call the cops?


Kai parks the car and turns it off. "Ready?" Kai asks, looking at me in the rearview mirror. I smile slightly and nod my head.

"What happened? You use to be so talkative." Kai asks me as we all leave the car. "That was almost 5 years ago. I guess things change." I mutter.

Kai stops me and hands me the fake ID. "They shouldn't ask any questions about the ID. But if they do try to remember the birthday, the birth-place, and the zodiac sign." Kai says to me.

"Alright." I say simply, then taking a look at the ID, trying to yeah memorize the ID. Sam, Kai, and I stood in line.

I start to fiddle with the ID. Soon enough it was our turn, Kai hands his ID first. The bouncer takes a look at the ID then Kai. He nods and hands him his id back.

Then Sam went, he takes his time to check the ID out. He nods once more and heads it back to her.

Now me.

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