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"Who?" Sam asks. "Speak up." She says.

The fuck-

why is she screaming out loud.

Yeah just tell the whole fucking restaurant I had sex.

"You don't know him." I say changing my answer.

"Oh." She says in a mumble.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I say before getting up and heading over. Sam also got out of her chair and followed me.

"I'm sorry Amora. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Sam says as we both enter the bathroom.

"You didn't." I say.

"How big was it?" Sam asks me. My eyes widen. I start to look around to make sure there was no one else in the bathroom.

"Sam!" I say in a whisper-shouting tone.

"What? I'm curious?" She says.

"I thought you liked girls?" I mutter.

"I do." She replies. "Alright, I'm sorry." She adds on.

"It's fine." I say. Just as Sam was about to walk off I gently grab her arm and pull her in. "Sam." I say.

"Hmm?" She hums in response.

"Why... um.. why did you start?" I ask her, stumbling with my words.

"You can say drugs Amora." She says with a little laugh.

"I'm being serious." I say.

"Right. Sorry." She says cutting her laughter off. "Well... I started doing it before you came back from Rosewood boarding school, Amora." She tells me. "I got caught up in the wrong crowd in high school." She adds on.

"Sometimes I think to myself if you were still there with me, I don't think I would have ever started." Sam says.

I felt guilty.

Even though it wasn't my fault I left. I still feel guilty leaving her behind. "I'm getting better, Amora." Sam tells me. "I promise." She reinsures me. "Six months. That's all." She says to me.

I nod my head slowly. "One more thing." I say. I want to get this misunderstanding out of the way. "The day I came over to dinner at your place, Kai dropped me off. So happened to be there, was Lorenzo..." I start off.

"Hmm." She hums indicating for me to continue.

"Let's just say they got into a little fight, and Kai said to us that you told him that Lorenzo is using me." I mutter out.

Her eyes widen as if she's never heard of this before as if she was shocked as I was that night. "No! I would never, Amora. Even if I did I would have been in fucking rehab. I don't even get access to a phone to call my own fucking parents!" Sam says to me.

But she wasn't in rehab when she came back.

No fucking shit-

"I encouraged you to go ahead. Why would I say that?" She says.

I want to believe her.

I really really do. But there's a little part of me that is telling me to take a step back from her. I nod my head. Finally, we leave the bathroom.

But just before we arrive at the table Sam says. "So how big is Lorenzo's dick?" But in a whisper tone.

She heard me.

Lunch went alright. Kai kept his distance which I liked a lot. Lorenzo texted in between lunch, and I immediately replied back.

The last text he sent me was asking me to come over to his office. Of course, I agreed. I took the bus to his office.

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