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Once again there will be a spoiler from

It Ends With Us written by Colleen Hoover

Although this spoiler is only a little spoiler, it isn't big. Once again I'm going to place check points:

 Once again I'm going to place check points:

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Before and after the spoiler

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Before and after the spoiler. I'm going to say this again. This isn't that big of a spoiler, just a little thing that's happens. If you skip that part trust me, you can still read on.

I stayed in my room the whole afternoon leading into the evening. I didn't feel like eating anything because I knew nothing could compare to Lorenzo's delicious soup.

I'm on my bed laying there as I scroll through TikTok. But I stop my tracks as I hear a knock on my window.

Yes, my fucking window!

I jump up and practically run over. My eyes widen and I open my window. "What are you doing here!" I say in a whisper-shouting tone.

"What? You didn't call me as I asked." He says out of breath, which I assume from climbing.

Seeing him out of breath made me feel things I shouldn't have been feeling.

"My parents are home!" I once again whisper-shout at him.

"Come on gorgeous, relax." He mumbles as he leans against the wall.

"If my parents see you here I'm fucked!" I say as I pace around my room. "Lorenzo, you have to leave." I demand.

Lorenzo chuckles and turns his head to face me, he had this attractive smirk on his face. He takes a step closer to me and brings his head down to my ear.

"You're no fun, Miss. Dior" he whispers in my ear.


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