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TW: self harm thoughts

I take a huge exhale as soon as Amora leaves.

"Fuck" I whisper under my breath.

"You could have handled that differently," Domenico says, walking up to me.

"She wouldn't have listened or understood," I tell him.

"She would have if you explained a little better," Domenico says.

"I thought I could balance both," I whisper. I'm going to admit, I had a soft spot for her. A deep one.

But I can't keep this up.

I love her, but it is affecting my ability to lead the Mafia, I can't risk losing it. "You're an ass, you know that" Domenico scoffs.

"I know"

"You're underestimating her"

I roll my eyes. "Go after her," I tell him.

"Why don't you?" He questions me.

Part of me wants to go, and console her, but I can't. Yelling at her was difficult as it is. I can't just console after I swore her out.

"Just fucking go!"

Domenico hesitates before walking off.

But fuck he was right, I could have sat her down and explained to her, but she's stubborn she wouldn't have even listened to me.

The more I thought about it, the more bad I felt.

She's 18.

Only 18. I felt like I was destroying her childhood. The little amount she has at the moment.

She never had a proper childhood because of her parents. I didn't want to be the reason for her being too mature for her age.

I grab my keys to my car and walk out of the estate. I head outside towards my car, but I had a feeling that I should look up.


Standing there by her bedroom window, staring back at me.


I turn around immediately and get into my car. I didn't take a second before starting the car and reversing out.

I'm so sorry Amora.

I feel the tears dropping down one by one

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I feel the tears dropping down one by one. I sit on the bed trying to process what the fuck happened.

I'm still not processing anything. There was a small knock on the door. A part of me was hoping it was Enzo, who came back to apologise for what he said and what he did and said.

I see Domenico walk in slowly, I exhale in disappointment, assuming Domenico understood why the disappointment.

"He's not coming back, gorgeous," he tells me as he walks over to me. His words made me want to cry even more, which I did.

I did love him.

I do love Lorenzo.

Fuck, I have such a urge to cut myself. I don't remember if I even brought anything with me.

The things I would do to get the relief.

To see the blood drip down.. fuck. fuck. fuck.

Domenico bends down in front of me, lightly cupping my face on each side of my cheeks. "I'm sorry Amora" he mumbles before pressing his forehead on mine. "I'm so fucking sorry" he repeats.

We sat in silence for a little bit before he broke it. "Do you trust me, Amora?" he questions, which caught my attention pretty quickly.

"What?" I question,

"I want what's best for you, but as if of right now I need you to trust me"


So Lori isn't coming back?

"I do trust you" I state.

"Good." He whispers and sits next to me. "I want you to have a better life, princess." He says to me. "Start a new life."

Excuse me?

"I know you're not going to agree but, I have something planned for you." He tells me. "First of all, I don't want you going back, back to your old life," Domenico says to me.

"I don't want you going back to your parents. I don't want you with Sam or anyone for that matter." He says.

"I want you to have a fresh start."

uh... what.

"Move to Canada," he says.


I hate fucking Canada!

"What?" I mumble. "Domenico, you're crazy," I say moving away from him and getting off the bed.

"Amora. Please hear me out." He says to me, keeping his head away from me.

"What else is left?" I question him.

He sighs.

"I have an old penthouse in Canada, I transferred the name under yours." He tells me without looking at me still. My eyes widen a little, as I stand there unable to move because of confusion.

"You what?!" I shout at him.

"It was abandoned anyway, I will get it fixed up for you. I want you to move on, move away. Leave everyone behind, including me." He said to me.

A part of me wants to agree with him and leave everyone and things behind...

but starting all over again?

"Please Amora," he says as he gets off the bed to face me. "Just think about-"

"I want that" I cut him off.

Because now, who do I have? What do I have?

I have nothing. Absolutely nothing.

He exhales out of relief. "Good. I was hoping you would agree. So are you okay with starting fresh and new?" Domenico questions.

I nod my head slightly. He smiles a little. "The house would be free." He starts to explain to me. "I can get you a job that's close by at a cafe, which pays $17 an hour," Domenico says.

"I can convince them for $20.00" he states. "New phone, new number." He begins.

Fuck Lorenzo.

Fuck everyone.

For the first time, I'm going to think about one and only one thing, and that's me.

oh snatching. Omg y'all hate me enough I'm so sorry, but I promise their love is going to come back much more stronger and passionate; )

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Follow my TikTok as well: @ 111feelingsss

I will try to make the next chapter much much longer. I just have a few assignments to finish.

Have a good day, night, evening:)

Word count: 983

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