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That fucking asshole.

This is my life.

My fucking life.

I told him I can balance both.

I can balance the love of my life and the fucking Mafia.

I'm doing a better job than that asshole. What need was there to tell her about me.

I realized that I made a mistake, I should have told her as soon as we were getting serious.

But I didn't. And I accept the fact that I made a mistake.

I barge into Luca's office and without allowing a word to fall from his mouth, I start to punch the living shit out of him.

"You fucking asshole. Why the fuck did you tell Amora." I yell at him, using the collar of his shirt to pull him up.

"Lorenzo. Let me go." He demands.

"Gladly." I mutter, dropping him down just so I can throw another punch. "Why the fuck did you send Amora that stupid fucking file!" I yell at him.

"Because she deserved to know Lorenzo." He tells me.

"I was going to fucking tell her! I was!" I say out loud.

"It didn't seem like it." He scoffs. I throw another punch at him.

"Lorenzo!" I hear a woman's voice from behind and I immediately let go of Luca. "Why the fuck are you beating up your brother!" She complains as she walks up to Luca and looks at the damages I've done.

"Your husband is a pathetic bitch." I say to her,


My brother's wife.

"He must have had a reason for whatever he has done." Aaliyah complains to me. I completely ignore her.

"I was going to tell her! me and Amora weren't even that serious. I can't just tell people I'm in the Mafia." I scoff.

"So you didn't trust her?" Luca asks as he grabs a few tissues to clean up the blood.

"I do, I trust her with my life!" I say, being honest.

"Oh yeah? Then why didn't she know?" he points out.

"Goddamnit. I was fucking going to!" I yell at him. "I told you I can fucking balance both unlike you. Chose your fucking love life and left the Mafia" I roll my eyes.

"Papa would be more disappointed in you rather than me" I point out.

"I've gotten so much more shit done than you've ever done the whole time you've had the fucking Mafia," I say to him.

He puts his hands in a fist. "Lorenzo shut the fuck up," Aaliyah asks.

"Stay away from Amora. Or I swear I will chop you up into little fucking pieces." I warn him before walking off.

I sit in my car for a good few minutes just trying to process everything that has happened.

I told Amora I loved her.

Before she was able to say anything else or even process what I said I had already walked off.

I start my car and start to head over to Amora's house.

I park my car in her driveway and I go to the front door. The door was already unlocked to the point where I panicked a little.

I walk in immediately and look around for her. A sigh of relief leaves my mouth, as I see her on the couch.

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