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I finish up my meeting as soon as possible so I'm able to go home and see Amora. But unfortunately, that didn't go as planned. 

There were two meetings back to back, and I had no idea about that. Sometimes I shouldn't trust others for this type of shit. 

I leave the building and walk over to the car, the man opens the car door for me, and I give him a small nod. 

I was so impatient to see Amora. 

I grab my phone and call Amora. I can't wait to hear her voice. 

"Hello?" I hear her say. 

"Hey, Mi Amor," I say to her, 

"are you home?" I ask her. 

"Of course." She mutters. "Are you on your way home?" She asks me. 

"Yes, almost," I tell her. 

"Can't wait to see you" she says adding a little chuckle, she's not alone. 

"Amora?" I say, 

"Hmm?" she hums in response. 

"Are you alone?" I ask her. Her tone is different. She's more hushed. 

"No," she mutters. "Jasmine, she's here," Amora adds. 

"Oh?" I mumble. We pull up to the estate, and I don't wait for anyone to open my door, I open it myself and head inside. 

I head over to the living room because if there were to be a guest, the living room would be Amora's first place to take them. 

I see Amora bring the phone down from her ear, and she smiles brightly. 

"Enzo" she whispers under her breath and runs up to me and gives me a tight hug. "About time asshole" she mumbles. 

"I'm sorry Mi Amor," I say to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She quickly pulls away, I assume she forgot Jasmine was still here. I turn my body to face her. 

She looks...different? 

"I think it's time for me to head out." Jasmine says before getting up from the couch. She walks past us, and immediately I feel a different energy from her. 

"I will be right back," I tell Amora. She slowly nods and sits back on the couch. I follow the same path Jasmine took. 

"Jasmine?" I question. 

Jasmine turns back and smiles as well as that she nods. 

That's not Jasmine. 

No way. "How have you been?" I ask her, 

"Fine." She mumbles. "You have a gorgeous girlfriend." Jasmine says.

I lean against the wall. "Fiance" I correct. "And, I know." I say to her, 

"How is your dad?", "Is he doing good?" I ask her. 

"Papa is amazing." She says.


 She never called her dad Papa. Just as she was about to walk off I grab her arm tight. She flinches and tries to pull away. 

"How's your mom?" I ask her. 

"She's amazing." 'Jasmine' says with a shaky voice. 

"Oh? She's back from the dead?" I ask her. 

'Jasmines' eyes widen. "Oh shit." She mumbles. 

"Oh, shit is right." I repeat her words. I Indicate to the guards behind her to grab the so-called 'Jasmine' 

"Enzo?" I hear Amora whisper behind me. 

"How much did you tell her?" I ask, without turning back around to face her. 

"I- I don't know." Amora stutters. 

"Amora." I say, turning to finally face her. "Did she ever leave for a second?" I ask. Amora shakes her head. 

"Why? What's going on?" She asks me innocently. 

"prendila (take her.)" I tell the guards, and without wasting a second they do. "How much did you tell her?" I repeat my question from before. 

"Just a normal amount Enzo." She mutters. 

"Fuck. Fuck." I bluff out. "I'm sorry." Amora whispers, 

"I'm sorry," she says again a little louder. "It's fine. It's my fault I was fucking careless." I tell her. I grab my phone and dial Domenico's number. I wait as the phone rings, 

"missing me already?" Domenico jokes. 

"Shut up." I roll my eyes. "I want you here in Italy by tomorrow morning." I demand. 

"Wait what." He blanks out. 

"I want you here." I repeat. "With Amora. I trust you only." I tell him. 

"I will be there." Domenico says, and I hang up the phone. 

"Do you have to be friendly with everyone?" I ask her. 

"Excuse me?" "Do you have to be friendly with every fucking person you meet? Like you were fucking friendly to the man who kidnapped you." I scoff. 

"Why are you such a child Amora? Grow the fuck up" I say to her. 


OMG ya'll are gonna hate me.. but hi. 

im sorry for leaving, I know its been a little over a year, and honestly a little too much happened. But this is not why I'm here. I'm trying to find myself again. I lost myself and lost many people by their choice or by gods. During the time I took off I wasn't sure if I wanted to write because I just didnt know. I wanted nothing to do with writing and wattled at a time in my life, and as of rn I don't know If I want to continue. 

But I do know I want to finish Issue as soon as possible. I totally forgot what my story line was and what I wrote and everything about Issues. I am currently re-reading it, if I do misplace information please do forgive me. 

So yea im going to finish Issues and perhaps start a new story. 

follow my new TikTok @111feelingsss. 

for the old one I got banned at 10k : (

word count: 907

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