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"Fuck Lorenzo." I say standing up from the floor and having Lorenzo follow up.

"Why do you have to be the one to leave?" I ask, cross my arms as I do so.

"Because Mi Amor, I'm the leader. It's my duty. I have to be the one who leads" he begins to explain to me.


I finally for my Enzo back and now he's leaving?

"Lorenzo, no. What if something bad happens!" I tell him, as I start to walk off.

There's millions of possible scenarios that are running in my head.


Halfway through the hallway, Lorenzo grabs my arm and pulls me in. "Nothing will happen to me," he says as he puts my hair behind my ear.

"What type of leader would I be if I can't defend myself?" He adds on.

"When do you leave?" I ask in a hush tone.

"Tomorrow evening," he tells me. He cups my face with his hand and brings me a little closer.

"That soon?" I ask.

"I'm sorry baby"

I look into his eyes in silence and have a quick little glimpse at his lips.

Fuck it.

I bring my lips to his and we slowly kiss, his hands on my waist, pulling my body in every time I slowly move it away. "I want you Lorenzo," I say in between our kisses.

"I'm always here baby," he says as he picks me up, I wrap my legs around him. He heads to the closest bedroom, and as soon as that door closes, our soft kisses turned into passionate, rough kisses.

As we switch in rhythm a few soft moans leave our mouths.

I've been craving him for so long.

Lorenzo starts to take his shirt off, and while he's doing that, I head towards the bed. I start to take my pants off and have my legs somewhat open, Enzo makes his way over and starts to kiss my collarbone and neck.

"Fuck" I mumble as he gets on top. At this point I get a little shy and close my legs "Don't get shy with me now baby" he whispers.

He brings his head down, his face in between my legs, and moves my underwear a little bit to the side.

I could feel Enzo's tongue slowly start to move around. I have a few small soft moans leave my mouth when I realize.

"Wait where's your tongue piercing?" I question him.

"Oh I took it out baby" he answers my question, lifting his head up for a bit.

"Oh.." I say a little disappointed. I remember the time his cold tongue ring would make me back arch in the slightly.

"Do you want me to have it again?" He asks me.

I stay silent for a bit. "Kind of.. yes.." I say embarrassedly.

"Then I'll put it back in" he tells me as he gives me a little wink.

Enzo brings his head back down, as he eats me out he brings one of his hands to my hip and holds it as support. "Fuck Enzo" I moan out, arching my back a little to emphasize the pleasure.

He brings himself back up and starts to kiss my neck again. I start to take my shirt off, but that's when Lorenzo stopped.

"Baby, you don't have to take your shirt off." He tells me.

"I want to," I say, "you know about the scars and everything now. I want to." And as I finish my sentence off he starts to help me take my shirt off.

"Fuck you're so beautiful," he says as soon as I take my shirt off." Lorenzo starts to kiss my scars. Almost every single one of them. "I'm so sorry Mi Amor" he whispers to me. "

Don't be." I say. He slowly starts to kiss my neck again, but this time to leave hickeys. "I want to be on top," I tell him.

Lorenzo stops his tracks and looks at me with a confused look on his face. "Oh?" That is what he says. "Okay, baby, whatever you want." He follows up.

He takes his pants off and his boxers, he places. condom on before. I saddle him down and slowly bring his tip into me.

"I think I've forgotten how to take all 8 inches" I tease him. Lorenzo chuckles. "It's okay Amora, you can take it." He says in a raspy voice oh my fuck.

"Ohh fuck" I moan out.. he's only halfway in. "Ah you're just so-" I moan out. Lorenzo puts his hands on my hip helping me move to the rhythm.

"Good girl" Lorenzo whispers out.

Fuck he's just so hot.

I place my hands down on his lower stomach as for support, I had a few pieces of hair in my face for a few moments before he brushed them away.

"Oh fuck Amora" Lorenzo moans out.

"You've never been a bottom right?" I question him.

"Never-" he lets. little moan out. "Never baby, I'm always on top" he finishes his sentence.

"New experience for you 'baby'" I mimic him. At first, I slowly started to move up and down, lightly jumping, he gently grunts, to that feeling.

I pick up my speed and began to move faster than before. "Amora, oh shit" he moans out as well as me, I let out our soft moans.

I go faster when I feel like I'm close to cumming. "Baby I'm so close" I whisper.

That's when Lorenzo flips us around, he starts to kiss my neck and my lips. "Whenever you want to cum Mi Amor" he whispers into my ear.

You could hear our wetness fill the room. Our moans, the wetness mixing together is making this experience so much more pleasant.

"I'm-" I cut myself off when I finally cum. Lorenzo slows down, as he also finishes.

For a few moments we bother just starting at each other, as we catch our breaths.

"I love you," he says to me.

And that made me feel butterflies in my stomach. He sits down on the edge of the bed but before he could leave I saddle him down.

"Down for more baby?" He teases

"I love you too."


BROO okay so the other day I was re-ready "ISSUES" cause duh and I never noticed how bad I've gotten at writing!! Like I was alright then now I suck ass. And I haven't written smut in forever so if it sucks.. not it doesn't

Anyway I hope this was alright...

IM COMING OUT WITH A SEQUEL TO "HIS FAKE WIFE" it will be released after "ISSUES" so stay tuned for that lovessss

Okay byeeee

See you next Friday!! <3

Word count: 1121

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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