Chapter 2: Germany

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When I came to, I was in a small room and tied to a chair, AGAIN! But this time I could at least see and talk.

"So, you've avaken, Tigerin." Germany said as he walked outta the shadows.

"And I'm here, why?" I asked him.

"You're here because you're an excellent fighter."

"So why am I tied up?"

"Zhat vas Italy's idea. He's scared of you."

"Well, that makes sense. So you want me to teach ya some fightin' moves, right?" He nodded. "Fine."


"Can I get untied now?"

"Oh, right! Sorry!" Then he untied me. "So, do you have any training drills ve can do?"

"Well, there's Sumo Wrestlin', Indian Leg Wretlin', The Medicine Ball game, or our Tug-O-War game where we use a different person as the anchor. Pick one."

"Vhat do zhey all strengzhen?"

"Well, Sumo Wrestlin' helps ya practice gettin' your opponent off balance. Indian Leg Wrestlin' helps make your legs stronger. The Tug-O-War game helps make your grip stronger. The Medicine Ball game's just fun! But I guess it makes ya faster on your hands and knees."

"I choose to do zhe Medicine Ball game."

"Alright then." I found a medicine ball and put it on the floor in the center of the room. "Okay, here's how ya play. You're on that wall and I'm on the wall opposite of ya. The goal's to get the medicine ball that's in the center of the room to your wall. The thing is: ya have to run on your hands and knees. Ya can wrestle and rip the medicine ball outta the other person's hands. That's perfectly legal in this game. Got it?"

"Ja." He said.

"Alright, get to your wall." After we were at our walls, we got on our hands and knees. "Ready?" He nodded. "Go!" Then we both bolted for the ball. He got to the medicine ball first, but I ripped it outta his hands. As I was going for my wall, Germany grabbed my ankle, pulled me towards him, then flipped me over so I was facing him. I held the medicine ball tightly to my chest. Germany was just kinda over me, staring me in the face, his face centimeters from mine. He started to blush.

"Germany! I have lunch ready!" Italy's voice came from the other side of the door, then he came in. We both looked at him. "Oh, I see you're busy. I'll just be in the kitchen then..." Then he shut the door. I used Germany's distraction to my advantage. I brought my knees to my chest, kicked him off me and scrambled over to my wall. He landed next to his wall. I walked over to him with the medicine ball under my arm.

"I win." I said, then held out my hand to help him up. He took it and he was just staring me in the eye after he stood up. "C'mon, let's go get some food." We walked to the kitchen and Italy made Spaghetti and meatballs.

"Dig in!" Italy said.

"Don't mind if I do!" I said, ready for food.

"I'm so sorry to have barged in on you two earlier..." Italy started. I decided to read his mind to find out what the Hell he's talking about.

"I thought that Germany liked me, but it looks like Tigre's his lover now." He thought sadly. My eyes widened.

"Dude, it wasn't like that! I was just teachin' Germany how to play the Medicine Ball Game! Honest!"

"Vhat are you talking about?" Germany asked. I dropped my head and mind messaged him what Italy was thinking. Then his eyes widened in realization. "It vasn't like zhat!"

"Oh good! I knew it wasn't true!" Italy said happily. We both sighed in relief. I slumped down in my chair as I sighed.

"Vait, how did you do zhat? How did you tell me zhat in mein brain?" Germany asked me.

"I'm telepathic." I explained. I knew that Italy wouldn't know what that meant. "Meanin' I can read minds and send mind messages to people."

"That's so cool!" Italy exclaimed.

"Ya ever say or think somethin' like that with me and Germany again and I'll go Sweeney Todd on ya." I said to Italy. "And it won't be fun. It's never fun for the victim."

"What does that mean?"

"Basically, This'll happen." I took out a knife from a drawer, held it close to his neck, slowly slid it from one side of his neck to the other while making a cutting sound with my mouth. I put down the knife. "Then you'll be doin' this." I started to act like I was choking, fell to my knees, then fell to the floor and went limp. I sat back up. "Get the picture?" Italy nodded, looking scared. I got up, then sat in the chair I was in earlier.

After we were done eating, we all did drills the rest of the week.

"Ve are going to zhe Vorld Summit tomorrow." Germany said before we went to bed. Then I went into my room, face planted onto my bed and just crashed.....

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