Chapter 18: Sleep Self Awareness

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----------Russia's POV-----------

Tigritsa fell asleep while Britain was having a long speech. Her arms were folded on the table and her head was resting on her arms.

"Should we, like, wake her up?" America asked. He tapped her shoulder twice and her arm came back and elbowed him in his stomach, knocking the breath out of him. He fell to the floor.

"What was that?" Britain asked. France tried to shake her awake. She swung her fist back and and punched him in the face. "It's like she's self aware in her sleep."

"I want to try something, aru." China said, then he lifted her hand and put it on his face.

"What're you doing?" Her hand started to feel China's head. She then wrote something on his chest.

"Dude, she just wrote 'China' on your chest!" America exclaimed.

"She IS self aware in her sleep!"

"I wanna try!" America did the same as China. The same thing happened, only she wrote something else on America's chest. "Dude, she just wrote 'America' on me!"

"It's probably best that we let her sleep, da?" I said. "Before someone loses a tooth."

"I agree with Russia." France said.

"You just wanna watch her sleep!" America exclaimed at France.

"And zat is bad?" France put his hand on her shoulder. She grabbed his wrist and twisted it. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!" She flipped him onto the table. He let out a small moan of pain.

"You just, like, totally got flipped!" America exclaimed.

"That's quite a catch you have there, Russia." Britain said as he put his hand on my shoulder. "She makes a great guard dog, she's a great fighter...."

"Did you just call her a dog?" I asked.

"What? No, I didn't mean it like that!"

"I wanna try something." America said, then took Britain's hand off my shoulder and put it on Tigritsa's head. She grabbed his wrist, pulled him to the left, elbowed him to the stomach with her right arm, knocking the breath out of him. Then she flipped him onto the table on top of France. They both let out a small moan of pain.

"How we going to wake her without getting beat up, aru?" China asked.

"We should probably call Blossom. She'll know." America said. He took out his phone and dialed the number. "Hey, Blossom, it's America. We need you to come over, like, now...... Cause Tigress fell asleep and we don't know how to wake her up without getting beat up, yo!..... Okay, thanks bye." He hung up. "She said to shake her, avoid her punch, then keep shaking her while yelling 'wake up!"

"It worth a try." China said, then he followed Tsvesti's instructions. He started to shake her, avoided her fist, then kept shaking her. "WAKE UP, ARU!!"

"Hmmm?" She lifted her head.

-------------Tigress' POV-------------

I woke up in the meeting room and France and England were laying on the table. England was on top of France.

"Why're Fance and England on the table? And why's England on top of France?" I asked.

"Did you know you fight in your sleep?" Russia asked me.

"Actually I've been told I can years ago." That was true.

"And did you know you're self aware in your sleep?"

"Actually no."

"Well, you beat up all of us except China and Russia." Britain said as he got off the table, France following him. "And you recognized China and America by feeling their faces and writing their names on their chests."

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