Chapter 9: Flying Mint Bunny

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When we woke up, after Russia let go of me that is, I decided to talk to Blossem.

"Hey Blossem. I wanna talk to ya about somethin'." I said to her once I found her. "While I was gone, did ya ever have any dreams that you were livin' in a tree?"

"Yes! And there was a guy with red eyes stalking me in those dreams." She answered.

"So I was right!"


"While I was gone, I had dreams about what was happenin' with you guys. And you're dreams then was what was happenin' to me."

"That explains why the guy who kidnapped you looked like the guy in my dreams!"

"Yup. (That asshole.) Oh yeah, Russia wants us to come with him to the Allies meetin'."

"Why does he want us to come?"

"He's afraid to let me outta his sight now, and I ain't goin' without you." She then understood and once we got to the meeting, England had a green rabbit with wings on his shoulder.

"You see the green rabbit on England's shoulder too, right?" I asked Blossem in a whisper. She nodded.

"You can see Flying Mint Bunny?" England asked. "Finally! Someone else can see him!"

"Oh great, they're going crazy too." America said under his breath. Time to make them believe. I closed my eyes, focused really hard, then opened my eyes. The guys all had surprised looks on their faces.

"What's going on, aru?" China asked, soundin' scared.

"Why does Britain have a green rabbit on his shoulder?" America asked, also sounding scared.

"You guys're seein' this through my eyes." I explained. "I've done this to make you believe. If ya believe, you'll see them."

"Wow, so I guess Britain's not crazy." China said.

"Hey, I wanna see what I look like!" America said. I looked at America. "Do I really look like that?"

"Yup." I answered, then broke the viewing stuff through me. "Ya just gotta believe and you'll see them."

"Woah, that was cool!"

"I'm full of surprises." I told them. "Never doubt me. Ya just gotta believe." Then Blossem busted out singing the SpongeBob Believe song from Atlantis Squarepantis. I joined her, then we both alternated singing every song we knew with the word 'believe' in it.

"We're back in Encino. Ya gotta believe!" She started.

"That everything's alright. Ya gotta believe!" I continued.

"Believe in me, when I'm gone."

"I can't believe, that when I breathe"

"That there's something good inside of me"

"Just one good thing inside of me."

"I believe I can FLYYYYYY!!!!"

"I believe I can TOUCH THE SKYYYYYY!!!!" We just busted out laughing.

"Man, I missed these random moments we have." I said. The others were looking at us like we just lost our minds. "Hey, when we feel like bein' random, we WILL be random. Deal with it!"

Pretty much the meeting went on like usual after that. The guys were fighting, Blossem and I broke it up when it got to the point where they might kill each other. It's really entertaining to watch them fight. Then we were talking about the world Summit tomorrow.

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