Chapter 13: Another Way Out

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----------------------Germany's POV----------------------

I vas invading Russia's house at night vith Romano. After ve got in, I vas scoping zhe place vhile Romano vas looking for Italy. Ve vere going to invade here anyvay, but ve didn't expect zhem to kidnap Italy. Zhen I started to hear somezhing in zhe ozher room. I put my ear to zhe door. It sounded like singing. I opened zhe door slowly to see Tigerin curled up in a ball in zhe corner, rocking back and forth.

"I see the streets burn every time I fall asleep

I'm losin' all my sanity

I can't hide from the voice that speaks inside of me

I see the streets burn along with all my memories

I'm losin' all my sanity

I can't hide from the voice that speaks inside of me."

I started to valk closer to her. She kept singing.

"I've medicated myself again, I feel I'm killin' my only friend

I've torn this world asunder as I am slipping under.

I'm losin' my fight, blinded by this light

The truth is gone, gone, gone

Caged in my mind, I am trapped inside

Like a martyr I'm gone, gone, gone. 

I am a Liar, I am no model figure

I am a Monster and I am ashamed

Call me the Devil, my name's what you prefer

I come on shameless, but I am ashamed, I am ashamed."

I stopped vhen I vas right behind her, since she vas facing zhe corner.

"I'm not one for the crowd to see

It's just me, it's just

Just a little more, c'mon and satisfy me

Just a little more, c'mon and terrify me

Just a little more and I'll be done with it

Take my life and then I'll feel okay."

"Tigerin?" I asked. She turned her head slowly to me vith a psychotic smile on her face.

"I've been waitin' for you, Germany!" She got up, facing me vith zhe creepy smile still on her face.

"Vhat's zhis about?"

"You know what you did!" She took two swords out of her sheathe, und laughed psychotically. She's insane! I have to get out of here!

----------------Romano's POV------------------

I was looking for Veneziano in Russia's creepy ass house. I went into a room to see Fiore sharpening fans with blades on the ends. She was singing.

"What would you do if I told you I hate you?

What would you do if your life's on the line?

What would you say if I told you I hate you?

I got somethin' that'll blow your mind, mind

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the dead bite

Wrap a rope around your head and watch you as you take flight!"

She then looked up at me, put down the sharpener and starts to shake something in her hand.

"All bets're in, I see you roll the dice." She tossed some dice on the ground. It rolled a four and a three. "Looks like another seven, it's the end of your life." She stood up and opened the fans.

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