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Today was the day of mine and Russia's wedding. Belgium wanted to do my make up and Hungary wanted to do my hair. Once that was done, it was time to get to the church. Iskra put in my earrings, as tradition dictated. Me, Belgium, Hungary, Blossem, Liechtenstein, Ukraine, Belarus and Iskra got into our dresses and waited for everyone. America agreed to do the role of my Dad since he couldn't come. He came to get me. He was wearing a fancy tux.

"You ready, brah?" He asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I answered. He held out his arm, I took it and he put my veil over my face. We got in line and Liechtenstein and Latvia started going down the isle as music played. Hungary got Austria to do the music. Blossem was walking with Lithuania, Belarus was walking with France, Ukraine was walking with Poland and Belgium was walking with Estonia. Then it was time for me and America to go. Everyone was staring at us. I read Russia's mind.

This is the happiest day of my life. He thought. I finally get to marry the woman I love. I smiled, then we got to the altar. Russia lifted my veil and smiled back at me. We both looked at the Justice of the Peace and started the wedding. he got on with everything and it was time for me and Russia to say our vows.

"Tigritsa, we first met at a world Summit and I knew something about you was different." Russia started. "You weren't afraid to hurt any of the others and you helped me a lot. You were there the entire time when I was passed out and I was there for you. You are the love of my life and I love you with all my heart." I just barely fought back tears of joy. There was a thump on the floor at our feet and people and nations gasped. I looked down and saw Russia's heart at our feet. I crouched down, picked it up, stood up, brushed off some of the dust and put it back in his chest. I just kept going with the ceremony.

"Russia, when I first met ya, I knew you were different from anyone I've ever met before." I started. "Ya didn't care that I'm 'creepy' like most people I know did. Ya weren't scared to be around me. I love ya and I always will." Russia put my ring on my finger and I put his ring on his. We kept going with the wedding.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest told us. I wrapped my arms around Russia's neck and our lips connected. I heard cheering and clapping and the sound of cameras clicking. We pulled back and Russia picked me up bridal style.

"TO THE ZAGS OFFICE!!!" I said as Russia carried me out the door. He let me down in a limo and we went to the office. We got done with all the paperwork and stuff, then went on the ride around town. We saw a bunch of stuff and I tipped the driver once he dropped us off. America was standing there in front of the place.

"So... What happens now?" America asked. I smiled at him.

"Five straight days of partyin'." I answered.

"SWEET!!!!!" We went to where the reception was being held. America also wanted to be the toastmaster at the reception.

"Wassup, dudes and dudettes!!!" He said into the mic. People cheered. "It's time for the bread ceremony thing!! What Russia and Tigress're gonna do is they each take a bite out of a loaf of bread without using their hands. Whoever takes the biggest bite's the head of the house!! Ready guys?" They gave us the bread. I sat on my hands so I wouldn't cheat. "Go!!" Russia took a bite outta the loaf. He took a pretty big bite, but I can make a bigger one. I took a bite outta the other end and filled my mouth with bread. "Tigress wins!!!" People cheered. I swallowed the bread and started laughing. Russia smiled at me. "Now for the vodka!!" They gave us wine glasses and filled them with vodka. "Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" America started chanting, then other people joined in. I took the glass and chugged the vodka. I took in a breath and put the glass on the table, then Russia chugged his. This was the fun part.

We smashed our glasses and they both shattered. People cheered. Then was the part where we kiss for a while to get the taste of vodka outta our mouths.

"Gorko! Gorko! Gorko! Gorko!" They started chanting. Me and Russia then kissed for about twelve seconds. People cheered even louder and I heard camera clicks. Now it's time to release the doves and balloon with my maiden name on it. We all went outside and opened a box with two doves in it. Then I was given my balloon and let go of it. There was applause from everyone. Then was the first dance with me and Russia. Austria played a beautiful song and we danced. Countries and people wanted pictures with me and Russia, even Japan. He had China hold the camera to take the picture.

Blossem smuggled in the micro-nations and was drinking like she needed to so she could survive. She came up to us and could barely stand. She mentioned the Cold War to Russia and he started to get upset.

"She gets like this when she's drunk." I told him. "She upsets everybody." She then stumbled over to Spain, which I knew was a bad idea, but I couldn't leave. Eventually, she went missing and I still couldn't leave, so I sent Hungary to find her. The next four days went on like this. We all just had fun. Once everything was over, Russia took me to a cabin next to a beautiful lake.

"Become one with Mother Russia, da?" Russia asked me as he carried me into the bedroom.

"Da." I answered.


If I got stuff wrong for the wedding, I apologize. I'm not Russian, so I don't know exactly how Russian wedding work. :/ I just looked it up and found a couple places that said this was what they did, so I apologize again if stuff's wrong.

Kidnapped By France?!?!: A Hetalia Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now