Chapter 7: In the Forest

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When I came too, I was in a forest. I sat up against a nearby tree. My arm was bleeding from a cut going all the way up my forearm. Then I hear footsteps coming towards me. I took out my throwing star tube.

"Stay back! I'm armed!" I yelled.

"Oh, look! It's little Tigerin out here on her own." Prussia said as he popped outta the bushes.

"Oh great. It's you." I said sarcastically. I saw his eyes go to the cut on my arm.

"Oh no, you're hurt!"

"Shut it, I don't need your help!"

"Don't vorry. I'm awesome, so I'll help you."

"I said I don't need your help!" Then he turned around I could hear the sound of tearing fabric. He turned around and the blue fabric that was over his crotch was now in his hand.

"I vill wrap your vound for you."

"You try it and that cloth ends up shoved down your throat." He started to come closer to me.

"Come on. I vill help you, vhether you like it or not."

"No! Get away!"

"You know you want to be wrapped in my crotch cloth. Who vouldn't?" I stopped his hand with the cloth in it before he could touch me.

"Get that thing away from me!"

"Let me wrap your vound." I kneed him in the jaw and climbed the tree. He was on his back when I got up to a tree limb that could hold my weight. I hissed at him once he opened his eyes. "Come on, don't be like zhat. I vill chop zhis tree down if I must!"

"Leave me alone!" I climbed further up the tree.

"Fine! I'm coming up zhere!" He tried to climb the tree, but the first branch he grabbed snapped and he landed on his ass. I laughed at his pain and failure. "How do you do zhat?! How do you climb like zhat?!"

"Just natural for me, dude." People tell me I climb trees like a cat/monkey.

"Fine zhen! I vill vait for you to come down." Then he sat down, looking up at me.

"Good luck with that!" He don't know me. I know how to survive in a tree without coming to the ground. I'll last longer than he will. I started to lick my cut clean.

"You look like a cat up zhere!" He yelled at me.

I hissed at him, then I kept licking my wound clean.

----------one week later-----------

The only reason I'm still in this tree's cause I'm gonna prove my point and win this bet. A few days ago, Prussia threw a rock up at me and I caught it. I've been using that rock to sharpen my throwing stars. I've lasted this long on fruit, hunting birds and squirrels and drinking rain water. I smoked the meat with the smoke from Prussia's fires. Everyone loves smoked meat. He doedn't stand a chance against me. I've been having dreams about Russia looking for me. I came to a conclusion that I'm seeing this through Blossem's eyes. I wonder if she's seeing what's happening to me.

"I can't take zhis anymore! I'm chopping zhis tree down!" Prussia yelled, then walked away.

"Haha! I win! I lasted longer that you! I am the survivor!" I mocked in victory. He came back after a little bit with an axe.

"I am chopping zhis tree down!" He yelled. "I vill have you!"

"You're gonna have to catch me first!" Then I started jumping from tree to tree. He started to chase me from the ground. When I got to the edge of the forest, it took a little bit for him to get there. At least long enough for me to catch my breath.

"I vill..... chop down..... Zhis tree!" He yelled while leaning on his axe, panting once he got to the bottom of the tree I was in.

"You don't scare me! Catch me if ya can!" Then I started to jump from tree to tree along the edge of the forest. There was one branch I jumped on that snapped. I fell to the forest floor, and ended up landing on Prussia. I sat up, then I realized I was sitting on Prussia's back.

"Get off me!" He yelled while pounding his fists on the ground.

"Why should I? It's funny to watch you protest."

"Who is over here?" I heard a voice say. Then, Hungary walked over to us.

"Sup, Hungary?" I asked her.

"Hungary! Get her off of me!" Prussia said while squirming.

"Vas he trying to wrap vone of your vounds vith his crotch cloth?" Hungary asked.

"Yup." I responded. "Dude was stalkin' me for a week."

"I vas not stalking you!" Prussia protested.

"I was in a tree for a week straight and YOU were on the ground watchin' me that entire time! That's considered stalkin' where I'm from!"

"She's got you zhere." Hungary agreed.

"Thank you."

"Get off of me!" He yelled, throwing a little hissy fit now.


"You really know how to do zhis, don't you?" Hungary asked. "You know how to make a grown man act like a little child."

"Yup. By the way, I'd like ya to meet my friend Blossem sometime." I felt Prussia try to base up. Wrestling instinct took over at that point. I put Prussia in a Spiral Ride, then I pinned him in a Mils Half Nelson. After I pinned him, I just sat on his stomach so he couldn't get up.

"Vhat zhe Hell vas zhat?!?!" He asked angrily.

"My wrestlin' instinct kicked in, that's what that was! You just got OWNED, AGAIN!" I said.

"Nicely done." Hungary said.

"Thanks!" Then she high fived me.

"Let me up right now!" Prussia demanded.

"Why should I?"

"Because I can't breazhe!"

"Ya little wimp!"

"Tigress, please let him breazhe." Hungary said politely.

"Fine. But only because ya asked potlitely." Then I got off him and he was gasping for breath.

"Vhat happened to your arm?"

"I'm not sure, I woke up a week ago and this cut was there."

"And zhat's vhen Prussia appeared?"


"Let's go." We started to walk away, then I felt myself being lifted off the ground.

"Hey! Put me down!" I yelled.

"You are mine now!" Prussia responded. I elbowed him in the side of his neck, which made him let go of me, and I started to climb another tree again. Prussia tried to pry me off the tree by my ankle, but I dug my claws into the bark and he couldn't pry me off. Then, I got hit hard in the head and blacked out......

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