Chapter 8: the Rescue

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-------------- Blossem's POV----------------

It's been a week since Tigress went missing after that explosion during her family reunion. Russia sent out search parties to look for her. Still, she isn't anywhere to be found. I've been having dreams that I was being stalked by a guy with red eyes and I was living in a tree for a week. Strange...... One day, while I was pacing the room, I started to get a vision.

It's Tigress! "Blossem! I've been kidnapped by Prussia! I can't use the Force to escape, dude tied up my hands! Help me! Get me outta here!" Then the vision ended. I was on my knees on the ground.

"What happened, Tsvesti?" Russia asked as he was kneeling down in front of me. I know Tsvesti means Blossom in Russian, so I know he's talking to me.

"I had a vision! I know where Tigress is!" I answered.

"You do? Where is she?"

"She's been kidnapped by Prussia. She can't use the Force to escape because she can't move her hands. We gotta help her!"

"Lithuania! Get the helicopter ready!" We ran to get our stuff ready to help her. We're going on a rescue mission!

-----------------Tigress' POV--------------------

When I came too, I was tied to a bed's headboard by my hands. I tried to use the Force to untie the ropes, but it didn't work. Apparently, I need to be able to move my hands to use the Force. I sat up on the bed. I'll send a vision to Blossem. She'll come help and most likely bring Russia. After I sent her the vision, a person entered the room. It's Prussia.

"So, I'm here, why?" I asked him.

"Because I vant you." He said in a perverted-ish, seductive way.

"Who are you, and what've you done with Prussia. What happened to the old jerky Prussia?"

"Vhen you came here in zhe first place, I vanted you all to myself. I hid it behind my jerky-ness. But after you vouldn't come quietly, I had to take you by force. And now, you are mine!" He started to come towards me, then I tried to bite him, but he stepped back before I bit him.

"You are a feisty one." He said. "I like zhat." Then Prussia tackled me, started kissing me and tried to rip my shirt off. I kicked him off me and he just kept coming. I kept fighting him by trying to kick him away from me.

"No! Stop it! Get off me!" I protested while fighting back. "Get the fuck off me!" Then, right when I said that and Prussia ripped my shirt off and I kicked him off me, Blossem and Russia came throughout the door.

"Blossem! Russia!" I said. Russia tackled Prussia and started to beat the shit outta him. Blossem let me outta the rope. "Thanks! Now, for revenge!"

Prussia got up and I started to circle him, wrestling style. I did the arm drag to the knee pick and threw him across the room. I then went over and pile drivered him. "THAT'S for kidnappin' me!" I put him in a cradle hold, lifted him off the ground, then slammed him to the floor. "THAT'S for the attempt at rape!"

"Finish him!" Blossem said in her best Shao Kahn voice. Finally, I bit his neck till he started bleeding and he screamed in pain. I ripped off a piece of his flesh, then spit it out.

"And that was for everythin' else." Then I made him face me by grabbing his hair so I could look him in the eye. I could see his true fear. "I've decided to spare you this time, mortal. Be wary, I will suck the blood from your body and you will die instantly." I threw him to the floor and walked over to Blossem and Russia who were already on the other side of the doorway, I closed the door behind me. "Alright, I'm good. Let's go." Russia was just looking at me.

"What?" Then Blossem motioned that I had blood coming from my mouth and I wiped it off, then we started on our way.

"What was that?" Russia finally asked.

"That was wrestling mixed in with MMA fighting. The part where I bit him was to make him believe I'm a vampire." I explained. "That's why I said the 'I've decided to spare you this time, mortal.' part at the end."

"Smart." Blossem said.

"You've now seen my fighting instinct."

After we got back to Russia's house, I cleaned my cut, put on a shirt that wasn't ripped and came out for some food. I was stopped by Russia standing at the door, then he kissed me and after he pulled back he hugged me.

"I was so worried! I thought you were dead!" He said. I returned the hug.

"It's okay. I'm fine now." I told Russia.

"I'm just glad you're safe, da?"

"Calm down, dude. Just calm down. Just for the record, I'd rather be dead than be with Prussia. I'm glad you guys came when ya did." I know that made him smile. "C'mon, let's get somethin' to eat." After we ate, Russia insisted that I sleep next to him that night. Frankly, I was too tired to argue, so I went with it.

"Is your cut alright?" He asked me.

"I'm fine." I told him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Oh, that's right. Did your family ever say anything about me?"

"Yeah, they really like ya dude."

"They do?"

"Yup." After we went to sleep, after a while, I could feel Russia thrashing in his sleep. I could tell he was having a nightmare. I sat him up and decided to start singing to try to calm him down. I held him while swaying slowly from side to side. I could feel him sweating. I decided to sing a combination of some of the most calming songs I know.

"You're not alone, We'll brave this storm

Let's face today, You're not alone. 

A savior will be there, When you are feeling alone, Oh

A savior for all that you do, So you live freely without their harm

When I hear your cries, Praying for light, I will be there

When I hear your cries, Praying for light, I will be there,

I will be there I will always be there, I will be there."

He woke up while I was singing the chorus for Savior. "Ya alright?"

"Da. Thank you." He answered.

"Ya wanna talk about what your nightmare was about?"

"I would kinda rather you kept singing."

"Sure." Then I decided to sing Rescue Me. I started swaying side to side again. 

"Come and rescue me. I'm burning can't you see?

Come and rescue me. Only you can, set me free.

Come and rescue me. Rescue me. Rescue me."

"I think I'm ready to talk about it."

"Alright then."

"It was dark. I was chained to a wall. When the lights came on, I saw a masked man pulling you by your hair. You tried to fight, but your hands and feet were tied and you had tape over your mouth. He said 'If you love her, then save here.' Then he brought a gun to your head and pulled the trigger. I tried to get to you, but the chains were too strong. Then the masked man unchained me and I attacked him. But it's like he had super human speed, he dodged me, then disappeared. I ran over to your body, you were losing blood fast. My eyes started to water, then I heard you singing and I woke up."

"Well, I'm fine now." I reassured him. "I'm alright. Everything's fine. Go back to sleep." He put his arm around my shoulders after we laid down. I just went with it. He's probably doing this so he knows I'm still here. I didn't feel like reading his mind. I put his head on my shoulder. I just crashed at that point....

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