Chapter 23: Interrogation

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---------------------Russia's POV-----------------------

Tigritsa started having an argument with Prussia in German during the Summit. At one point, Prussia said something and Tigritsa started emenating aura like I do, only her's is black. She stood up and walked over to Prussia to look him in the eye.

She unsheathed her spear, held the blade to his face and started saying something to him in German. Prussia started to back away, but Tigritsa walked closer to him as he did. Her talking soon turned into yelling. Eventually Prussia had his back against the wall and Tigritsa was yelling at his face.

Prussia was just standing there, wide-eyed and scared. I looked at Germany and he was staring at her with wide eyes as well. So was Austria, Belgium, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Once she stopped yelling, she said something else, glared at him one last time, then walked back to her seat and sat down. Prussia went to the other end of the table. He seems to be afraid to go near her now. The German speaking countries scooted their chairs away from her.

"What did you say to him?" I asked her as she sat down.

"He said he was gonna invade you and make you his underling." She started. "I told him if he even tried it I'd hunt him down, rip out his tongue, cut him open, tear out his guts, slowly hack all his limbs off, crack his skull open, set his body and limbs on fire then roast his guts over his burning remains. And that's a promise." Everyone else within ear shot scooted their chair away from her as well.

"I didn't know you could emanate aura." She looked at her arms to see the aura coming from her body.

"I didn't either."

-----------------------------after the Summit, in Tigress's POV-----------------------

"Now that we know who's got Blossem, the interrogations begin." I said.

"Why don't you just read their minds?" Russia asked me.

"Cause that's boring! And I like interrogatin' people. Plus Hungary's gonna interrogate people with me!! She can't read minds!!"

"How about ve question zhe countries closest to zhe kidnappers?" Hungary suggested.

"Good idea!! Now that'd be Thailand, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the other Nordics, Bulgaria and England... Outta the Nordics Finland'd be easiest to crack."

"Good point." Russia said.

"So it's settled!! We interrogate Finland first!!"

"How do ve get Finland to come vith us?" Hungary asked.

"Mind control. Duh. Watch and learn, buds." I walked over to Finland. "Hey, Finland!"

"Oh, hi Naarastiikeri!" He responded.

"Wanna come over to Russia's house?"

"Uh... No thanks."

"You will come to Russia's house." I said as I did the Jedi mind control motion.

"I will come to Russia's house." I smiled to myself and walked back over to Hungary and Russia, Finland following me.

"Told ya I could do it. And now, TO THE INTERROGATION!!!" We took Finland to Russia's house, I shot a throwing star into him and he fell to the ground. His eyes were closed because the syrum kicked in while he was blinking. We took him down to the basement, locked him in there and waited until he woke up. Once he did, me and Hungary came in.

"Where am I?" He asked. "What am I doing here?"

"Ve just vant to ask you some questions." Hungary said calmly.

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