Chapter 10: Japan

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When we got to Turkey's place, it was filled with singing, dancing, music, it was kinda cool! Turkey brought us to a Dondurma stand and let us try some. It was really stretchy and it was pretty good. I just tore off pieces like I do with meat. The others kinda had trouble eating it. After we ate, Turkey showed us around stuff. They had really cool looking buildings. Once the tour ended, we thanked Turkey then went back to Russia's house and just went on with our lives until next Summit.

-----------------At the Summit------------------

Japan walked over to us while me and Blossem were having a conversation.

"Sup Japan?" I asked him.

"I wourd rike to invite you two to dinner at my house tonight." He said.

"Both of us?"


"You wanna go?" I asked Blossom. She shrugged, which I know means 'why not?' I turned back to Japan.

"Sure, why not?"

"Excerrent. Arigatō." Then he walked away.

"Okay...." Blossem started.

"I know. But eh, let's just go with it." I said. "Should we bring somethin'?"


"I just got an idea! I think we'll be able to make it."

"What is it?"

"A little Maneki-Neko."

"That's a great idea!"

The Summit pretty much went on as usual. I told Russia about dinner at Japan's house, and I made sure he knew it wasn't a date, cause I don't think they have two girls and one guy on the same date in Japan. When it came time to eat at Japan's house, me and Blossem both dressed semi-decent.

"Moshimoshi." Japan said when he opened the door.

"Sup dude. Thanks for invitin' us." I said.

"Thank you for accepting. Prease come in." He gestured us in.

"We wanted to give you this." Blossom said, then handed the box we put the Neko in. "Open it." He opened the box and had a surprised look on his face. He lifted the Neko sculpture outta the box.

"How did you get this?" He asked.

"We made it. I know how to do ceramics and I know what kinda paints to use and everythin'. Blossem helped design and paint it." I explained. "We made it to say thanks for lettin' us come to dinner."

"This is amazing. Arigatō." He responded. He put the Neko sculpture on a shelf and showed us to the table he had dinner on and we just ate. At about the middle of dinner, I felt a presence outside.

"Will you excuse me for a minute?" I asked. Japan nodded and I went outside to where I felt the presence. "I know someone's out here!" Then a person fell outta a tree. I walked over to the person to see it's Lithuania. "What're ya doin' here dude?"

"Mr. Russia sent me here to keep an eye on you." He said nervously.

"Son of a Shadow Priest." I said under my breath. "Just get outta here! And don't make me Force throw ya like football." Lithuania looked scared and ran away. I went back inside and sat down. "Sorry about that." After we all got done eating, Japan showed us a room with a bunch of weapons in it.

"This is so cool!" Blossem exclaimed, then started to look around the weapons.

"Pick whichever you rike." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Hai. Think of it as a way to thank you for the beautifur Neko scurpture and you coming to dinner."

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